If England Was Join Up Too Europe What Will Be The Out Come Of WW2?

What would of happend then?

Sorry, its unclear what you are trying to say.
‘Join up’ in what way ???

Presumably not France or Poland, as that didn’t work out too well.

The Bigger question is…What if Australia joined Germany in the conquest of Europe…Now that would have been something!..

I’m assuming that you’re asking what we think if the British wouldn’t have fought in the war. Britain joined the war effort against the Germans for two reasons: one, there was a promise made to Poland that they would help them out in the event of an invasion; second, Churchill assumed that Germany would get even stronger and that a powerful Germany was a threat to Britain, whether it was right then or in the future.
It is difficult to say what Hitler’s position would have been then. However, without the British, chances are that the US wouldn’t have gotten as involved as it did. The British did a lot under the table to plant the seed in the White House about joining the war effort. The Italians would have kept North Africa for a longer time and the Germans wouldn’t have been involved much in that region, leaving many troops and equipment available for other manuevers and operations. This would have placed Russia in a very precarious position because it is entirely possible that Hitler may have been more committed to take Moscow and they may have been able to do so faster since they would have had more troops and equipment available from the very beginning.

Like if England wast an island anymore.
Put it this way,theres no water between england and europe.

Germany still would of lost…Australia only had 7 million people as a population jury ww2.
Take out the babies,and the women and the old people, that would not leave
much of an army left.
Dont think England would be happy about that.:cool:

Well the whole history of the country is at is because it is an island [ and much of the history of the World too since for a not insignificant amount of time the British ruled a large part of the planet ] , so really it is impossible to give an answer to that because probably everything would be different in the whole World e.g. the Christian reformation might never have have happened and we would all be spending our time working as serfs for Barons on feudal estates and the most sophiscated form of transport would be the chariot and there would be no telephones, cars, steam trains, aeroplanes, radios etc. Or maybe the Roman Empire never really got going and there was no Roman occupation of Palestine and there was no christianity, really your question both is so vague and creates such a huge change that it is impossible to answer, because if you change Britain in to part of the continent of Europe everything changes.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I was thinking the same thing, but i cant word it like you did

Herman I could not see any reason why Australia would have wanted to join the Third Reich and I can not see any advantage for them if they did and even if they had, Hitler would still have been beaten anyway since Australia had neither the manpower nor the industrial base to change the eventual outcome of the War in which the Third Reich is defeated.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Ya but your forgetting that Captain Rising Sun is from Austrailia…and with his advanced strategic thinking abilities, It would take only 1 man like RS to be the equivalent of a million men:shock:

7,000 years ago there wasn’t, which in geographical terms is a mere heartbeat ago, but in terms of human history is far too long to use as a ‘what if’ for WW2 :wink:

Year i know…i can see how he thinks by reading his post.
Very advanced.

You mean 5 million…:mrgreen: with beer…:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Britain would have been over run, the Crown and its government would have withdrawn to the colonies and continued the war from there (probably Canada). There would have been Pearl Harbour and Bararossa and, eventually, both Germany and Japan would have had to have been defeated, but it might have meant Germany being Nuked before Japan.

The problem with posing this type of question is that it is impossible to imagine Europe being the same if the history of any of its components had been different.

The migrations of Angles, Saxons and Jutes to England would probably have never happened. Migrations might have gone in the other direction and the whole of |Europe could, possibly, today be speaking Irish. No Britain, no British Empire etc. etc…all Irish! :slight_smile:

It takes a moron to suggest this, even in jest. :rolleyes:

Or perhaps a troll.

Yeah, and there’s no sky, so Bomber Command can’t fly over the Channel and even if it could its planes weren’t allowed in because they hadn’t passed safety checks by the forerunner of the EU. Meanwhile the Jerries are invading England through the Chunnel that hasn’t been built yet.

Jesus fucking wept! :rolleyes:

Cute, but you’ve missed the real contribution Australia could have made to improve Germany’s position if aligned with it, which contribution significantly improved both British and American offensive capacity and helped both win their wars.

Thank you.

With beer, I am the equivalent of at least five million men.

Only last week I invaded Iran, and it hasn’t caused any trouble since. :smiley: