If you were a movie producer

OK. So sometimes people say ‘why are all the WW2 films focused on…?’ (you can imagine I’m sure).

Well. If you were a producer, what would you like to see covered that hasn’t been? Soviet POV? Commonwealth forces? A good SOE film? The untold story of Guy Gibson’s dog? (ha ha)…?

For me it would have to be a Paddy Mayne flick - or at least an SAS story that would by necessity include him a lot. OK so Liam Neeson is too old now but I’m sure that someone out there could do him justice. :army:

What about a tense drama focused on the relationship between OKW and OKH during the May, 1940 campaign in the West ? Or “Young Rommel”, an exciting adventure featuring the life and loves of Everyone’s Favorite General up to his winning of the Blue Max at Caporetto (WW1) ? I think there has already been a movie about Nancy Wake - the SOE’s “White Mouse” - but I am sure it could do with a remake. “Manstein - Lust for Chess” ? Perhaps not - might be a bit boring (but, on the other hand, not necessarily if well written and framed). Or a comedy, “Bat Bomb Heroes”, chronicling the amusing adventures of the developers of the proposed “Bat Bomb” that was supposed to burn down Japanese cities, but only succeeded in burning down a USAAF reserve air base ? “Antitank Dogs”, another comedy representing the efforts of the Soviets to train dogs to carry bombs under German tanks, the results of which were at best, let us say, counter-productive ? I am sure the possibilities are endless … Yours from the Back Lot, JR.

About 20 years ago I read a book titled " The Guardian ". It was a novel based on a grenadier battalion that had orders to hold a supposedly impregnable Italian villa at all costs. The Brits were gathering overwhelming forces in order to overrun this strongpoint, and the beleaguered germans had to look for inspiration from their newly arrived Lt. Col. ( from the Russian front ) a recent Iron Cross winner. As I remember, it was a pretty good story, taken from the German point of view and I couldn’t help but to relate with the Lt. Col. and his plight. I thought even back then, it would make a good movie script.

I recently finished a book called ‘’‘Citizen Soldier’’’. I every well indeed enjoy the books. The way the 1944-1945 European Campaign (European theater) was just really surprising. It told the events of not only of the American forces but the German forces as well. With personal accounts of enlisted and officers. I think the many people would a appreciate a movie like that. I found some surprising events read the book and I think many people would also be quite surprised too. The thoughts on the German soldiers aren’t really true and it is a complete twisted to what today’s society thinks of it.

a movie about Michael Wittmann or another one about Simo Häyhä?

Achievements of female Soviet snipers, centred on a particular, semi-fictional heroine representing the lot ? These ladies deserve some recognition … JR.

What about “Free State Emergency” ? A light comedy featuring the (successful) efforts of a pair of downed Luftwaffe crewmen to escape from internment in the Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare into matrimony with sparky young ladies in Newbridge ? A case of out of the frying pan, into the fire, perhaps - my wife is from Newbridge … Yours from the Fire, JR.

now a good idea would be about Normandy’s invasion in 1944 ( I know its widely known and very popular) but focusing on all the paratroopers, seaborne, navy, air forces, beaches, and etc. ya sounds a good idea…


Agreed regarding “The Longest Day” - one of the great war movies, and well up the scale of great movies overall. “Saving Private Ryan”, in my humble opinion, is a pretty substantial achievement as a “Normandy” movie, also. A thought - might something about Galland make a good movie ? Perhaps briefly touching on his early career, but concentrating on the latter part, in which action and political frustrations were intermixed ? Best regards, JR.

A further thought - would it not be interesting to make a “Normandy” movie from a specifically German viewpoint ? I know that “The Longest Day” did not ignore the German side of the story. Still, the German experience was more complex than could be presented in that one movie. It might be worth a movie in itself. Best regards, JR.

Agreed on both points. Galland would be a great subject and more good, objective, films about the E. Front would be welcome.
Also, not all Italians were as is too often depicted, objective films about the Italians who performed well would be of interest.

well more. Such as the preparation, planning, training, and the few days after, Even if the Longest Day covers that it would be a lot different with today’s modern equipment.