Ilya Starinov - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Ilya Starinov

The legendary Ilya Starinov, known as grandfather of the russian spetsnaz. Hitler's personal enemy, the best diversant of the XX century, God of diversions, El soldado del siglo 3 times he was presented to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union, 2 times he was sentenced to capital punishment. Participated in 4 wars, personally derailed 18 enemy trains, on the landmines of his construction 12000 trains blew up. Starinov's railroad mine was the most effective demolition device of WW2. 11 soviet and 9 foreign orders. Born 1900 - died 2000.

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“Hitler’s personal enemy, the best diversant of the XX century, God of diversions, El soldado del siglo” - lol

Nothing more then the Russian version of Himmler. Calling this piece of garbage a ‘soldier’, let alone the ‘soldier of the century’ is an insult to any true soldier who served his nation on the battlefield…