I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!

Be afraid.

Be very, very afraid, for GS had resurrected RS*.

I may have been hors de combat for a month or so, but my all seeing eye has noted all that has gone on in my enforced absence. :wink:

Stealthlike as ever! :slight_smile:

Yes, it was a rather subtle intrusion, wasn’t it? :wink:

Sort of LRDG like, but without the brothel creepers. :smiley:

With catlike tread, upon your prey you steal,
In silence dread, your cautious way you feel…

Good to have you back….You old pirate!!! :slight_smile:

I’m not a pirate. :wink:

Stuck with the burglary? :wink:

Or maybe just scrounging.

So am I

I /m afraid already:)
The awful RS coming back:)