Im new and i have a web site

First of all hello to everyone

Im new here so be nice to me:D

Not sure if im posting in the right place so feel free to move this if need be.

Im no expert on WW2, my interest comes from my Grandfather serving as a gunner in Malta and Italy. i have found a few things out about him and created a web site. it also covers my family in WW1.

you can see it here

It has pages on my trips to Italy and Malta. It may be of interest to someone. Im hoping to find out more of what my grandfather did or where he was in Italy. so i joined you guys here:mrgreen:

Im Tony from Liverpool, and i hope to get to know you all. i was on another forum as Andalucia so some of you may know me. if you do say hi.

right im off to look around the site.

see you soon.


Welcome Tony!

Obviously the thread was moved.

No probs Dani

Thanks for moving it.

glad to meet you:D

Hi Tony,

I’ve just posted a message on the other forum reminding them of your site - and that you’ve got new photos of Malta. They look great.