
I was pondering the meaning of the term “private message”, and it seems that in the context of this forum, it means you can see them if you go to the person’s profile. Thats not very private. Is there a reason that P.M.'s are open to view, or is it just the way the software works?

Dear Tankgeezer,
Pls list me the member names that there are private messages so I can go in to it and read what is so private. Thanks for the tip, I can’t wait to read the juicy gossip!..list names!

I think that you are referring to Visitor Messages, which can be seen by others. Private messages can’t be seen to my knowledge.

Oh Nayson, why do you have to put a wrench into this. I was so excited before. Dam, there goes that…

Well, maybe people are putting their juicies on visitor messages and not knowing it. I guess it’s up to you to find that out!:smiley:

Okay kids, this isnt some adolescent chat room, so leave others messages alone please…(wags finger)

I’M not one to go looking, I can’t vouch for Herman!:smiley: I do know that when PM’ing someone pay particular attention whether you select Visitor Message or Private Message since I’ve inadvertantly messed up before.

This is correct, there’s a big difference between “private” and “visitor” messages. And yes, the reading of other peoples private messages --as in who can and who cannot-- is an issue on messageboards in general.

There’s a reason they’re private…

That was my concern, i did not like the idea of a fairly public, private message… Let me look at it again with my bi-focals this time.

Visitor messages are open to everyone, Private messages cannot be seen by anyone except those involved.


The misty moors are clearing, time for a dram or two of single malt.