Inactivity Email Reminder

I’ve also installed a plugin that emails users 3 times every 30 days if they haven’t visited for 30 days. Hoping to add more people to the discussions.

As you can see I’ve gone ‘plugin crazy.’
If there is anything you guys want to see being added (and if there is a good plugin that will do this) then feel free to suggest your idea.

I’m out for tonight…sushi!

I want that sushi plug-in as well!

Enjoy your sushi, and be careful with the plugins. I believe that too may can frustrate some upgrades. I recall Sarge (owner of the RothArmy) have all sorts of complications due to the massive number of modifications and hacks he did over time. But then again, he was using pirated vBulletin software that could not be upgraded after a while…

All the plugins I have installed can be de-installed with a click. That’s what’s nice about it.

Sushi was ok! :S