Incompetent, Ignorant Writers

What sort of completely clueless dimwit would write something such as this:

Now, with beer, the box might be less objectionable since, in my opinion, the quality issue is not really in play. Despite what the microbrewers will tell you, all beer is pretty much the same. Consumers who pay a premium do so more for the experience than the taste.

WTF? Really? This guy is being taken to task for his asinine statement and clearly has never drank anything but the flavorless pap of American mass-brewed light beer. :roll:

I wonder if he has ever tasted beer at all. Perhaps he is taste impared (in the particular, and the abstract )

LOL. that was what i was also thinking! :lol:

Just had a couple of Bombadier Ale, that might change his mind :slight_smile:

quite like Spitfire also

and Ruddles isn’t bad

but there are many more - hundreds - fortunately! :slight_smile:

Bombardier’s OK although I prefer Eagle, not so keen on Spitfire and Ruddles though - bit bland.

The journalist in question was urged to try a real brew,popular with journalism folks.(pic 1) And after drinking it, was unavailable for comment…(pic 2)


Well, I don’t drink most of the mass produced swill from Budweiser or Miller, although I do sort of like Michelob.

Generally I stick to the “microbrews” which are no longer really “micro” as they’ve seriously cut into the sales of Bud and the other members of the big three American breweries…

I’ll drink all sorts of imports and micros, but for the American offerings, I like the Sam Adams seasonal beers such as Summer Ale or Octoberfest. I’m also fond of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

I enjoyed (when I was a drinking man) “Dead Guy Ale” and an occasional Paulaner Salvator.

Bishop’s Finger isn’t bad.

Outrage over Bishop’s Finger. A beer advert that proclaimed “I love a good session on the Bishops Finger” has been banned.The advert for the Kentish ale in Time Out magazine, pictured a woman in a low-cut medieval costume sitting on a bale of hay.*:IE-Address%26rlz%3D1I7GGIE_en-GB%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21%26um%3D1

Never tried it*:IE-Address%26rlz%3D1I7GGIE_en-GB%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

The same could be said about wine.

However, a mildly educated palate attached to an unconceited brain can tell the difference between good and bad wine and good and bad beer (subject to one of the few pieces of eternal wisdom left to me by my late and unlamented father: “There is no such thing as bad beer.”, and he had drunk enough of it to know!)

The beauty of beer is that, unlike wine, if you guzzle enough of it while surrounded by conceited wankers sipping wine and carrying on about wine and generally being up themselves, the beer makes you sufficiently uninhibited and aggressive to belt the shit out of the wine wankers.

This does them a huge favour as it enables them to add the taste of fresh blood in the mouth to musk, oak, strawberry, peach, apricot, cashew, walnut, earth, dog turd, rat shit and all other forms of bullshit which they claim to taste on the front or back of their clever palates attached to their superior and condescending brains.

And for something completely different to and at the other end of the scale to chili / jalapeno infused beer,

One of the best cures for a mild hangover (there being no cure but time for a serious one) is a decent slosh of Schweppes Lime Juice Cordial in a schooner or pint of beer. Creme de Menthe also works, but needs to be more carefully measured or it tastes like a menthol cigarette when you have a cold. Or just forget the additives and get a few pints of cold beer into you ASAP, and then when you’re feeling a bit better get drunk again.

Yes, well, as the actress said to the bishop …

Being a wine snob is akin to being a Toy Poodle,perhaps cute, but of no practical value.