Indian cowardice thread - FYI

This is not to be referred to outside the mod room.

Apart from my stated reasons in the thread for objecting to Herman the Second’s obnoxious comments about India, I took up the cudgels for India because Amrit PM’ed me several days ago asking to be removed from the member list as he was understandably upset by Herman’s offensive comments.

I’d rather keep Amrit than Herman as a member as he’s a fund of information on various topics and behaves and expresses himself considerably better than the Canuck idiot.

I’ve persuaded Amrit to stay through refusing to act on his request and exchanging PMs over the past few days, but some of my comments in the thread were as much to try to encourage Amrit to stay as to respond to Herman’s moronic world view.

I still think that Herman is a bit of a troll, still pretending to be middle-aged family man as I’m pretty sure he’s a high school buffoon (at best)…

I would have no objection to banning him…

He’s a buffoon, for sure.

He’s gone through several incarnations from, as best as I can recall, wanting to nuke everyone to being a crypto-Nazi and then a mod suck.

I agree that he’s a troll of sorts, but a more or less tolerable one. He’s just been offensively stupid for ages, but generally not overtly offensive.

I wouldn’t ban him unless he gets a lot worse, if only because every circus needs its clown. :wink: :smiley:

He’s a moron, a clown, a site jester. Still we should keep him for entertainment reason unless he goes completely apeshit…

Yeah, he just needs a periodic “beat-down” as we say…

He’s still running on in that thread like a complete frigging idiot. I wonder if he’s just out and out trolling now?

I also noticed he pretty much stopped posting until Amrit started a thread today…

First things, I agree that Herman comes across as a complete idiot at times. I also agree that Amrit is a much better member then him. And I emphasise this -I think that RS was correct in his handling of the situation.

However, I also feel that the situation was exacerbated by naming the thread Indian cowardice and agree with Herman that this makes him look like it was a deliberate singling out by him.

In light of this I have changed the thread title myself. I have not contacted anyone on this subject outside of this room and have no intentions of doing so.


You are correct on the first point, being the naming of the thread. That was intentionally exacerbating, to emphasise the idiocy and offensiveness of Herman’s accusation and to demonstrate that to Herman and Amrit, and anyone else who read the thread. Although Herman was, as expected, the only one who failed to understand why his offensive comments generated that title.

I had no choice on the second point. There was nobody else to single out, as Herman was the single idiot who threw gratuitous, baseless and generalised national / racial insults about cowardice around. Then he wouldn’t back them up and then had a continuing whinge when he was brought to account. His refuge was to blame others - being me who was solely responsible for it and which I stressed in the thread, and the other mods who had nothing to do with it - to avoid the consequences of his own actions rather than defend or apologise for his comments.

I offered Herman the opportunity twice to suggest a title acceptable to him. He never took it up.

Herman preferred to whinge about his alleged mistreatment by me rather than defend his accusations against the Indians, and Japanese and Chinese, of cowardice. Thereby deflecting attention from his original accusations of cowardice by about one third of the people on the planet who live in China, India and Japan. Which seems a bit unfair given the martial histories of each country over the past century.

In light of Herman’s opening comment

Germany at least gets involved. Where are the Japs?or the Indians? or the Chinese?…At least Germany tries while other country’s hide behind a veil of cowardisim!!!

I considered unilaterally retitling it “Japanese, Indian and Chinese Cowardice”.

However, out of consideration for Herman’s inability to defend his allegations against India, I felt that it was unfair to burden the village idiot with trying to defend his same imbecilic allegations against the Japanese and Chinese.

Despite the harsh treatment Herman feels he received from me, this was my considerate feminine side coming through. :smiley:

Given that the title has been changed by the Supermod, I think that should be posted in the thread and the thread re-opened. It’s only fair to Herman that he understands what happened and who did it and why, and that he and other members see that their complaints cannot arbitrarily be ignored or dismissed by the mods, and that he has the opportunity to respond.

Just for clarification, I am perfectly satisfied with your ruling on this matter, partly because you’re the boss but equally because it’s a fair and sensible ruling.

My comments above are not challenges to your ruling but merely clarifications of my reasons for acting as I did and, having accepted your ruling, a suggestion for demonstrating to Herman and others that their concerns about the mods’ conduct will be taken seriously and that the board is run on a fair basis.

Of course, Herman will have his eternally grateful tongue so far up your arse for the rest of your life that you’ll wish you had tapeworm, or even bowel cancer, instead, but I expect that must be one of the privileges of rank. :wink: :smiley:

As matters stand I’m not sure Herman would even know that the thread title has been changed. As he’s had a win, he’s entitled to be informed in the thread that his complaint has been upheld, and for that to be the subject of discussion. And some exultation by Herman. :rolleyes:

Sorry, Ive been on post falklands leave and have not visited here since I wrote the above.

Im not sure that opening the thread up now will do anything for me, Herman or you now, but fully appreciate your comments and will do as you suggest, if you still want to.

I’m also very wary of letting Herman know about this directly, for as you say, he will creep up my arse for all eternity and to be honest I dont think i could stand that at all!

Yeah, let it go. Don’t open the thread.

Justice and fairness are all very well, but not where Herman is concerned. :smiley: