Inform yourself before you post, damnit!

I don’t mind people posting serious questions, BUT why the f*ck can’t some people do some research (and this doesn’t mean just to use google, there is a whole hoard of knowledge in some paper thingies called BOOKS) before posting stupid statements on this site? Is this place a kindergarten? :evil:


I seem to spend an awful lot of my time (when I should be working) dullard-sitting & knocking down stupid, ill-informed bollox before it becomes citable Internet “fact”.

Please just don’t do it!

I agree with both of the above. Anyone reading this with an IQ of 80 or above, please read the two posts above and take note.

Also, even if you arent a native english speaker, there are still such rules of punctuation and constructing a sentence. I dont care if your spelling is bad as long as I dont have to read 1 massive paragraph.

Any more stupid questions will elicit an equally stupid response from me.

It seems that (He Who etc etc etc) has been replaced by the Leaugue of Dullards (L-O-D)- a chosen few from around the Globe who post such questions as, ‘Why is South Korea, South of North Korea’?

Please think before you post and become a member of L-O-D!

Edited for cavities…

I’ve already made some sarcastic replies to bone questions today - and it will continue. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

If it’s a genuine question, then of course I won’t do this.

well,if we count those who post out off topic :roll: