Information about Argentina and Brazil in WWII


We are currently developping a Mod for Hearts of Iron II (PC game), starting in 1933 until 1953.

The idea of the MOD is to allow to develop a different history for countries during that period (what about a democratic germany, etc).

The Mod is currently in french, and it’s going to be translated in English in september. The mod is here :

and the forum are :

As I see your forum is devoted to WWII, and is quite sharp, I come to see you because I’m currently looking for informations regarding Argentina and Brazil during that period, may be for developping and alternate history

Please feel free to move/delete that topic if inapropriate.

Any help/ideas would be appreciated, especially links regarding Argentina/Brazil history. Thanks


YEAHHHHHHH!!!,i bought the game,i love it,love it!!! :smiley:

i did a thread about it.

Im not an expert in argentinian history during ww2 years,but i know + or -.
We have a brazilian member too.

Im glad about your idea,and i will help in all possible

i have images of the argentinian troops of ww2 in argentinian military topic,they had the german uniforms.

feel free to ask me question,and THANK YOU :smiley: :smiley:

If you can send me your messenger by pm,it can be great,and i can send you some pages,if you want,take a look to the brazilian expeditionary forces topic in other militaries.
you`re in a good place

thanks you so much Erwin.

My MSN is, which also my email adress

Yes this is the best site .

hey mate,my brazilian friend added you to msn
he knows about brazilian army :wink:

Brazilian army fight only in Italy 1943 is that correct.

Yes, included in my MSN :lol:

I’m not myself developping the part for Brazil, but i’m supposed to help the person who’s doing it.

In fact we would like to scenarize a different history for Brazil/argentina (a kind of what if scenario) but we lack informations and references about Brazil/Argentina in the 30’s/40’s.

So if you or Eduardo have any good web site about that, that would be great :smiley:

i think a war between argentina and chile,and one of brazil vs uruguay,like they had.

but argentina and brasil will easily win.

That’s sure .

thanks to materials erwin sent, i started to work a bit on it.

A friend found that interesting link in spanish (i’m struggling a bit to read it, but that’ll be ok :lol: ) about german intelligence in south america :

brazil was pro american,argentina was pro german,and with a good relation with uk,we can talk in the msn mate


Hi, FABMP…you see the posts of Brasilian Army in WW2??

You need more informacions???

if you need, please, ask me, ok??

Senta a Pua!! :smiley:

in chase you didn´t receive it mate:

Hello Crossbow, hello Erwinn,

sorry about not replying you before but this week end was a bit busy. I hope trying to build something for argentina during the week, that’ll send to Erwinn.

@ Crossbones
I’m not myself developping something for brazil, but i’m closely working with the person who’s doing it, so I think he would appreciate any sources you could sent me (images, political events). I’ll ask this guy the permission to send you the event about brazil once he’ll have done it.

Thank you for your help guys, cos we’re (well, I’m) a bit ignorant in Europe about South America in WWII (even if i travelled a while in brazil a few years ago :wink: )

ps: I 've just seen your topic about brazilian military units, crossbones, tudo bem :smiley: