Infraction for Angry White American: Racist spam

Post: Black President In The White House
User: Angry White American
Infraction: Racist spam
Points: 5

Administrative Note:

You’re banned for life

Message to User:

Racists not welcome here.

Original Post:

Yours didn’t seem to have banned him, so I did it again and now he’s definately gone for good (but it claims you banned him!).
No idea how the hell that works!

It’s because the Force is weak in junior Jedi mods, Obi Wan. :smiley:

This is a racist twat ‘making the rounds’ to more than a few message boards…

They’re hosted on ImageShack, I’ve filled in the “abusive content” form listing it as spam - should put a minor spanner in the works for this guy.
For future reference, the abuse/spam reporting site is here:

Aaaand it looks like ImageShack has taken the pictures all down already! Nice one :smiley: