Infraction for Cpt_Prahl: ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Post: “Vengeance at Dachau” (U.S. Soldiers nearly massacred concentration camp guards)
User: Cpt_Prahl
Infraction: ALL OF THE ABOVE!
Points: 5

Administrative Note:


Message to User:

Do we really need to bother with formalities?

Original Post:

Got any smart assed comments now Nickfresh and the rest of you Retards? Plus I am generally to busy actually working with this stuff to waste my time with Dipshits and egomongers anyway but like to keep tabs on their Bullshit Oh and as far as the 16th in Acchen I have now even found and located more proof of what I was talking about and also helped 2 WW II veterans write their memoirs one of which is in Print what’s on Your score card for the moment ???

LOL He helped two WWII vets write their memoirs? :smiley:

I know this guy was an issue here in the war room some time ago but this is a real lunatic…good he’s gone.

No worthier use of the “Grand Egress” comes to mind.
Aside from Capt. P, and HOS Bandit’s recent behavior, It might be prudent keep an eye on Wizard, Some of his more recent posts seem( to me anyway) to be escalating in tension, on the way to being aggressive. Just my bouncer sense nagging me.

RS* and I have discussed Wizard a bit. He seems to have almost a duel personality. On the one hand he’s very knowledgeable on certain topics. On the other hand, he completely misrepresented certain texts and is seemingly incapable of a discussion and is more into arguing…

As Nick said, we’d formed a view about him from our jousts with him, but it’s interesting that TG got a similar impression as an independent bystander.

I think Wizard’s primary problem is that he treats discussions as a contest he has to win and he’s not receptive to views other than his.

As Nick and I have discussed, he’s also slippery with his arguments as he can use the same source or information to pursue opposing opinions when it is necessary to win his debate.

He’s certainly unduly combative at times.

I don’t think he’s banning material but he might need a reminder about civil behaviour if he pushes the boundaries a bit further.

Like this. And often with the same final result as he’s exhausting.

I agree, no need to Beadle him yet, but as you say, his arguments are becoming more angry, and personal in their direction. as in this response to RS* It is not for wizard to judge what title is appropriate, in any aspect. As we say in these parts, “it’s none of his Bees Wax”

Quote: " Perhaps your mind is open to “education” but I wonder if you didn’t jump to an unwarranted conclusion in titling the thread “Not their finest moment”?

Wouldn’t “What really happened?” have been more appropriate? "

I actually thought it was a fair enough comment, because I did jump to a conclusion.

However, I also thought Wizard was just taking the opportunity to score a point and that that was his real motivation. But there’s no evidence to support that view.

I guess it was his bullying tone that I found inappropriate, as you say, just to muscle in a point. Bad form on his part in any case. (but he’ll probably say, “It is not!”)

I noticed he only stooped to that comment after much other discussion, and after RS* somehow owned him in another thread regarding his myopic view “strategy” in another, unrelated thread…

I’m frankly a little surprised he came back after that actually, he was gone for almost a week…

I must admit that I PM’d him and in my kindly manner suggested that he should play nicer, he did not agree. I will attach.

I sent to Wizard:
“All arguments aside, its a bit presumptuous to question another member’s thread title. You, and all members may use whatever title is felt to be suitable for any thread you/they start. Please bear this in mind when in congress with other members.”

He responded:
" Are you messaging me as a moderator or simply as another forum member?

And why do you think it is “presumptuous” to question a thread title? While I agree that the choice of a thread title is up to the originator, within reason, of course, titles certainly are indicative of the thread’s content and purpose. As such, they are as much open to criticism or question as anything the originator posts.

I see absolutely nothing presumptuous or wrong in commenting on a thread title so long as it is done with civility and respect for the original poster. It seems to me that your message borders on an attempt to suppress legitimate debate and comments"

He does seem to have a need to argue everything in a convoluted way, and win by any bludgery possible. He then started parsing by saying that if there was no specific “rule” forbidding his conduct, it was a non issue. I replied that it was just a friendly thought, and he could accept it or not, as he wished. He did post something in the last day or so, and it was a bit calmer, so maybe he decided to lighten up, even if only for awhile.

I would put a decent amount of money on a wager that Wizard has been banned from one or more WWII/history related message boards. But then again, so have I (one, but for nothing related to discussions of WWII). :evil:

That’s fine. But the guy seems to have no sense of humor whatsoever. I posted something deliberately to lighten up a debate with him I was having, and he immediately used it as pedestrian flame-bait, which makes me wonder if he doesn’t have something else going on other than just imparting his wisdom the Pacific War here. I’ll say he’s knowledgeable and well read to an extent. But for someone whose a bit arrogant and seemingly well read, he’s not exactly the type that sees the forest through the trees…

So have I, but two.

This one. And eBay. In both cases for not putting up with oppressive and idiotic moderation, which is why I try not be oppressive as a mod. But I can’t do much about being an idiot. :smiley:


I think at heart he just likes to show he’s smarter and knows more than everyone else, whatever the topic, and posting on the board gives him tangible proof of his intellectual superiority. Whereas at times, to me, it just makes him look like an intellectual wanker.

What’s the old adage? The first step to wisdom is knowing what you don’t know or something to that affect?

Thats it exactly. I had been thinking he was Bi-polar, Manic/depressive,Wanker-Plonker syndrome, whatever the buzz word these days is. He has been a bit milder since I sent the PM, though I am thinking it wont last long.