Infraction for Dietrich: Obvious Troll

Post: Bitter hate
User: Dietrich
Infraction: Obvious Troll
Points: 5

Administrative Note:

Obvious Troll

Message to User:

Right, you’re a blatant trolling Neo-Nazi and a probable meatpuppet for Stevey 14/88. Now go away.


Original Post:

Actually this is quite disgusting. To see that I have been at work from 8:30 to 3:00 and the forum pinko’s here have posted three pages more clearly shows how much of external lives they have. Maybe they are shunned from their physical communities because of their peace loving hippy crap!
I’ve also taken the liberty to notice where all of you Red’s are from, isolated and desolate countries like Austrailia! Where the only black guys exist are the aboriginals, and you’re killing them off for God’s sake!

Right, I’ve attempted to perma-ban this guy without giving a warning. GS/FF feel free to reverse if you think this is over the top, but he appears to be rather a blatant neo-Nazi who appeared just when stevey 14/88 was getting a bit of a roasting to support him. All 5 posts are highly dodgy and would get any established member in trouble, so in the circumstances I think this is justified.

OK, looks like it hasn’t worked - need GS or FF to do the honours I think.

This has happened before. I think Nick tried to ban someone some time back and FireFly had to approve for it to work.

For whatever the reason, only FireFly and Gen. Sandworm can perma-ban…

Rather embarrasing - had several run ins with Dietrich today and deleted about half a dozen of his posts.

Some examples are posted in the war room today.

He sent me some private messages too. Obvious nazi.

I agree, I would like the ability to make the call on banning someone besides a spammer, or even a spammer with a few posts.

That would be great. What’s the deal though? I haven’t had problems banning spammers before.

In the case of Dietrich, was it the fact that we tried banning him from a thread that was already closed? He sent me a message to that effect.

Email sent to FF…

We need our powers back … this is humiliating.

Where are the super mods anyway? I sent emails out earlier today.

I just sent another plea out to ww2admin, GS, and FF minutes ago.

I know the super-Mods are busy with demanding careers or have had computer complications recently. I do appreciate and respect their dedication to, accomplishments on, and judgment regarding this site. And I do realize that a certain former Argentine Mod was a tad ban-happy and led this site like he was a little George Bush of “unilateral action,” causing some internal strife here. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that this more than anything else may have led to a limitation of powers rather than a flux in the board software occurring during updates.

If this is the case --and I strongly suspect it is-- I would like to formally request that pdf27, George, and myself, have our powers to ban any poster, regardless of rank and numbers of posts returned (three to five posts makes any user-ID impervious to our infractions I think) as it does seem a bit silly for us not too and to have to wait a bit for others when we are all on the ground here daily. I think that all of us have put in the time and have shown judgment that has been both reasoned and objective. With our time served, and all of our daily contributions to this site not only in the realm of modding, but also with our opinions and varied backgrounds. Even if only one of us, pdf being the senior in rank, I think at least one of us needs to be either promoted to “Supermod,” or at least given the ban-hammer to swat interweb miscreants either posting spam or agenda-trolling…

Just my $.02



I second this.

Guys, I have a strong suspicion that Firefly may be off somewhere warm and sandy right now, which would explain his protracted absence. I’ll see if I can dig out an email address for General Sandworm…

Or on “RAF bivouac” in a swank hotel no less…

I think you joined the wrong reserves…:wink:

In any case, I’ve noticed that the IPs are “hopping.” 14/88 was in London, now his IP reads from north of Leeds. And Dietrich went from Baltimore, MD to New Jersey. These might be pro-trolls…

Depends what he works with (and I can’t remember if he said, but I’ve a feeling it might be Nimrods). There are rather a lot of RAF types at Camp Bastion in Helmand right now…
As for wrong reserves, bah! The RAF only have RAF Regiment reserves, and I really don’t feel like joining the Short Range Desert Group. Besides, you should have seen the amount of Pyro/Ammo we had this weekend for an exercise with 8 guys :wink:

OK, I’ve sent GS an email asking him to take a look at this thread.

Well, I’ve thought about going back in. The local US Army Reserve units are pathetically boring (98th Training Division) which mean’s they always push you into being a drill sergeant or TAC (training officer). However, there are some infantry and armor units stationed in Buffalo for the National Guard. But not being a big fan of the Iraq War, I’m not sure this appealed to me.

I’m still thinking about it though…

I just hope he has his computer issues sorted out…

What about ww2admin? I thought that he had powers above GS. I did notice that he was online a few times last night.

It seems that he should be able to at least ban these trolls …

BTW Nick, I tried to reply to your PM, but a blue screen came up. Does that indicate that your PM box is full?

No risk of Iraq for me nowadays, but if I ever get all the way through training Afghanistan is a virtual certainty.

Well, you’ve already PM’d WW2admin, GS & FF, so it was worth trying an email to GS in addition.

Sig test - like it?