Infraction for Frankly Dude Really: Unrepentant trash talker, borderline Troll

User: Frankly Dude Really
Infraction: Unrepentant trash talker, borderline Troll
Points: 2

Administrative Note:

Explanation of infraction points.

Message to User:

These infraction points are not permanent, and will expire in 6 months provided no further violations occur. A total of 5 infraction points in force at one time is automatic grounds for permanent Banning. Chill out, and take a walk in Wilhelmina Park.

Some people have bad days, and then there are just *****s like FDR who delight in pulling down other people to puff up their own fragile personalities.

They remind me of

Spot on RS, from my experience, people from the Netherlands are on average, quite well mannered, very unlike FDR. His IP is located in what appears to be a School related building, hence the advice to walk in the Park, which is nearby. On closer examination, the IP is located within the local Dutch Drivers Testing facility “Examencentrum” So it’s a fair guess that he works for the DMV, or MOT or whatever it’s known as there. Explains a few things too, at least from my experience with the U.S. DMV stations.