Infraction for J.A.W.: Trolling

User: J.A.W.
Infraction: Trolling
Points: 2

Administrative Note:


Message to User:

You’re just repeating the same unsourced ad hominem ad nauseam in the P-38 thread for the sake of arguing with no real point or conviction. It’s pointless and getting old, find something else to say with some actual knowledge or perspective or go elsewhere…

I can’t take this idiot just regurgitating the same posts over and over for argument’s sake…

You’ve shown the patience of Job so far, he is deserving of your actions. He’s not even very entertaining, although that could change soon as he gets the notice. Time for popcorn…

He just sent me a nice PM… :slight_smile:

I saw that he was on, and sending a PM, I bet it was choice. It shouldn’t take him long to run out of feet to shoot himself in.