Infraction for kurt: Posting links to antisemitic site

User: kurt
Infraction: Posting links to antisemitic site
Points: 2

Administrative Note:


Message to User:

My, how our true colors are flying out!

The IHR:

Kurt seems to be a nibbler, posting little bits here, and there, in an attempt to infect a site with his fantasies, backing up if called on it, then beginning again. If he has been banned before, his next should be permanent.

He hasn’t been banned. I gave him a holiday but that’s expired.

I believe that its time to deal with Kurt in a more permanent way. He continues to post provocative material, even after being warned against it. he backs up a bit, then begins again.


I think he deserves a formal warning that if he continues to try to be pointlessly provocative rather than engage in reasonable discussion then he’ll be banned for good as he’s not contributing anything to the board except potential trouble.

I did give him some official dmerits over his posting tripe from the Holocaust denier site based in the U.S., the Institute for Historical Review (and Antisemitism and of a generally pro-Axis, Neo-Nazi point-of-view). He sort of acted as if he had no foreknowledge of this and of IHR’s background and controversies, but I find that hard to believe. He posted something about the atomic bombings, but there is a lot of academic writings critical of the U.S. actions regarding this instance without resorting to fringe sources…

He has been warned several times, given infraction points, and a holiday. So far, that hasnt given him pause to reflect. Perhaps a final warning will do, a look into the abyss might make a dent, if not, throw him in…

He got one before I read your post.

Thats okay, I doubt we are through with him yet…