Infraction for sneiz747: Spammer!

Post: Congratulations to the mod(s)
User: sneiz747
Infraction: Spammer!
Points: 5

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“It ran away because it doesn’t want to be with the rest of the balloons!” said a delighted 10-year-old, Miguel Peguero, who was watching the procession from 34th Street.Given the parade’s history of wayward balloons (an M&M balloon hit a light pole, injuring two spectators, in 2005), it would seem unwise to have a runaway rabbit.But executives insisted it was a very controlled effort to celebrate the rabbit’s coming 20th birthday — complete with police approval.“The idea was to celebrate him by bringing his first commercial to life,” said Samantha Fisher, an Energizer spokeswoman.The Energizer Bunny was introduced in 1989, originally as a counterpunch to a Duracell advertisement, but it eventually starred in its own series of commercials that parodied products having nothing at all to do with batteries.The rabbit caught on, and over the years, the bunny has become a symbol of longevity, landing on Advertising Age’s list of top 10 ad icons of the 20th century. “Energizer Bunny” has entered the American lexicon as a symbol of perseverance and indefatigability. The bunny has been used to poke fun at Cal Ripken Jr. (calling him a quitter). George H. W. Bush compared Bill Clinton to the fuzzy pink rabbit.Thursday’s breakaway bunny balloon did not get very far.After traveling west on 34th Street for one block, handlers quickly began to deflate it. The pointy ears were the first to give way, then the head, then the rest of the body. “Bunny’s melting!” said a young boy as he walked by, looking at the collapsing rabbit. Indeed, the bunny did not look very energetic anymore.- welcome shower room world..