Infraction for witman111: Trolling and just making shit up

User: witman111
Infraction: Trolling and just making shit up
Points: 3

Administrative Note:


Message to User:[quote]Your last warning…

What did he do, and where?

He recently posted this in “the most effective German division” thread. (post#37)

“First tks. to rising sun for explaining quoting mechanism.
Second, I got PM about infraction for “making shit up” !!!
Hardly a professional way of communication from official moderator of a forum.”

I responded with a britching ,and if he gives any sass about it, too bad for him.

He’s severally misrepresented Tooze’s Wages of Destruction as stating something completely opposite of its actual thesis. He also “thread-jacked” the Hitler thread with a bunch of redundant ‘Evil Western Allies’ shit…

If he’s worried about my “professionalism,” he can **** off to “Valhalla” and other assorted Nazi-sympathist code-ward fantasy places of 88…

You can read his litany of responses here:

Now that he’s caused a stir, he may disappear for awhile again. Tho if he does hang around, it may not be for long. The site filters should disallow Valhalla as a member location.

Dunno, the word’s part of my current signature. Personally I think it would be a shame if ancient Germanic/northern mythology would forever be smirched because of its (mis)use by the Nazis.
Besides, Valhalla also happens to be a crater on Jupiter’s moon Callisto. Maybe that’s where witman111 originally comes from!?!:wink:

It was just a thought, and only for that specific use. but your point is taken, tho I think that Perdita, or Sycorax would be more fitting a moon to be his place of origin. :slight_smile:

I’m a big fan of Valhalla actually…