Infraction for ww11freak34: Unsourced wiki content adding nothing to a thread

Post: The M4 Sherman Tank
User: ww11freak34
Infraction: Unsourced wiki content adding nothing to a thread
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Unattributed wiki cut & paste

Message to User:

If you had read the site rules you would be aware that posting unsourced copy and paste posts is strictly against the rules. Furthermore, it has repeatedly been made clear that posting content lifted straight from Wikipedia is also heavily frowned upon unless in exceptional circumstances.
Since I’m sure I remember warning you about this before, I am jumping straight up to issuing you with an infraction point. Keep behaving like this and you will receive a short, involuntary holiday from the forum.


Original Post:

The Medium Tank, M4 was the primary tank produced by the United States for its own use and the use of its allies during World War II. Production of the M4 medium tank exceeded 50,000 units and its chassis served as the basis for numerous other armored vehicles such as tank destroyers, tank retrievers, and self-propelled artillery. In the United Kingdom the M4 was dubbed the Sherman after Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, following the British practice of naming their American-built tanks after famous American Civil War generals. Subsequently the British name found its way into common use in the US. Following World War II the M4 medium tank was used by the US until the end of the Korean War. Many nations continued to use the tank in both training and combat roles into the late 20th century.

This guy has already had two warnings and an infraction point for spamming the forum with crap - so far as I’m concerned cutting/pasting Wiki is exactly the same thing again.


He’s another forum wrecker. Funny how he seems to pick up steam when Aly leaves…

Nah, he’s just a drive-by poster - he has bursts of activity then disappears for a bit.