Infraction points

So what was Rising Sun* awarded the ‘infraction points’ for ?
He’s always seemed a sensible poster with a mature point of view and a sense of humour that ensures he doesn’t take himself too seriously.
All I’ve seen is this post from Panzerknacker:

Doling out these points to people when no-one else knows what it’s about is about as clever as going for a dump without taking your trousers down.

These points need to be seen by all if for no other reason than posters can ensure they don’t make the same mistake.

Come on Moderators, what’s it all about ?

Do any other of us mere mortals know why this occurred ?
If so please post it here, we’ve got to be open about these matters so there can be no unfounded accusations.

I am sending you a PM. :rolleyes:

On a related note - I was wondering why these threads are always “sanitized” with heavy editing and censorship? And I don’t mean this thread per se, I mean the infractions thread or whichever thread RS posted in regarding yesterday’s events here. Maybe the whole thread was deleted, I dunno, But all of Rising Sun’s commentary and statements from yesterday have since been expunged. It almost smacks a bit as a cover up or something, which is why it’s unwise to run around hacking out the text of a long time credible poster just because a mod doesn’t like it.

That typed of wholesale purging does not reflect well on this site…

Under discussion at the moment - wait out and we’ll get back to you when clarified.

Just let me say that posts should NOT be deleted for any reason without an explanation.

PDF is correct, all these things will be investigated and we will get back to you.

Just to clarify one thing though, RS has not been awarded any infraction points.

Yes and you know why!

This topic should remain open! However unless a moderator is trying to explain something to the members at the moment I suggest we do it in private.

No offense to the members but there are somethings just best being handled and not for the public to see. I hope you understand and we will try to be as clear as possible on our conclusions.

In the end we work for you… not the other way around.



Apologies to everybody, you all be informed about.


Coming to a conclusion. This topic is reopened if any members have a concern. As of yet there is not much to talk about.

So here is the deal! I was going to keep it short but here it goes:

PK has been reprimanded for misuse of moderating (infraction) powers. These rules are currently not available to the public. I will not go into detail about his punishment but I will say that he will not be modding the Other Wars section at all. Only in the case of a spammer. If he wants to explain his situation that is up to him.

With RS’s permission he wants me to state publicly what he did. Normally insulting a staff member in public would 1st receive a formal warning. (you would get an email) If the problem persists then it would be a non-expiring 1 point infraction. (this can change due to the nature of the problem.) PK and RS have acknowledged that there was an insult in the Off-Topic General Section. There was also an exchange of harsh language by PM. I do not care so much about this as long as it does not get out of hand. (case by case basis…if you want to get dirty I prefer you do it there) Because of the lack of evidence and and the word of a senior moderator RS has been given a 1 point infraction that will last for one year. He finds this fair and so do I. I will not tolerate insulting staff members in public. It demeans them. If you need to get nasty PMs are the place to do it. If you do it there please use common sense. This is one of the reasons that I do not want PMs posted in public. This is a place for private talking.

With his permission I will post a very valid comment by RS:

  • represent current members but left out for their protection (I did not receive permission from them to post their names. Im sure they know who they are.) However I agree with the point here. If you break a rule it must be clear what you have done and how to correct it.

There is a rule that I want all members to understand. If you break a rule you should 1st receive a formal warning( you will get an email). If you already have a formal warning then for the same offense you will receive an infraction point(s). If you get infraction point(s) without a formal warning (I will know if you have or not) then the infraction points are not valid. Spammers are excluded (possibly certain other assholes) Informal warnings are included in the normal thread talk. Formal warnings should show up in your profile and you should receive an email. Just clarifying the difference. There are only a few things that validate skipping a formal warning. Faking a vet for instance…things most members would agree there is no warning needed. Skip the warning and go to infractions.

The main point with this case is that the proper procedures were not followed and the reason for punishment was not clear for other staff members to examine. The staff needs to be clear in the future on what exactly a member has done wrong. If you have not read the rules and guidelines I suggest you do. ( This is an apparent lack of communication.

We are here to work for you. Our task is to keep a good forum and an improving one. I just want to note that communication between normal members and staff is key. We must see eye to eye on progress.

I hope you all will read and understand this situation. This case is closed but feel free to post your comments.

Thanks to all,


I’d like to thank Gen Sandworm and the mods for the diligent and very fair way they’ve handled this matter. I’m perfectly happy with the result.

I have a question unrelated to this topic, but on infraction points.

Whenever I click on my “user CP” profile, I still see an “expired” infraction point. It mocks me, and is a hurtful reminder of infractions past. I wish it would go away…:frowning:

Yes and i have too expired infraction, since PZ has banned me for a short time.
What i have to do to erase this?

I live and learn.

I don’t think I’ve ever looked at my user CP before

Why does it record only infractions, and not decorations? Not that I want to wear mine, but it seems a bit negative to do it that way.

I have no idea and have to admit I didnt know the CP did the infractions either until I wanted to delete ones given.

As for awards, that seems a fair idea, not sure how it may work though as Im at the same end as you when it comes to implementing techno thingies here.

Editted to add, now that I think of it, showing expired points may help the Mods in a future case against someone who is daft enough (Iron Man) to continually receive them. A steady accumulation of expired infractions may well be a pointer to site behaviour.

I understand where you are coming from. FF has nailed why I dont currently want to delete them. Not comparing you guys to IRONMAN. This helps the staff keep track of past problems. Plus no one will ever see it besides the staff.

Unfortunately there is no awards system tied into the forum program. Maybe in the future. Thats why we are working with the one I came up with. Maybe if you dont wish to wear them in your sig you can type them into your user profile. I could make a special area for this.

Nick, I have a few things on my police record I dont like. Nothing serious. Im guessing you probably do too. If not … good job. Now im not the police so maybe we can think of a way members can get stuff like that erased. After a certain period of time for instance? Not sure… I would have to think about it. It will be up to the member to tell me thou because those things cannot be setup for automatic deletion.

I agree that Nick probably has a police rap sheet as long as my arm. :smiley: If not, I’m disappointed in him. :mrgreen:

Seriously, there are two ways of approaching it.

First, things disappear after a time. A lot of criminal jurisdictions have a spent conviction scheme where after a specified period minor to medium offences are expunged from the record.

Second, you’re never free of your criminal past. That’s the scheme that applies to me as a lawyer under rules introduced a couple of years ago, where I have to disclose to my registration body every offence I’ve ever been found guilty of no matter how minor or how long ago (in my case, 1969) even if it was before I became a lawyer, which I did in 1978, or after (about 1981). I have to disclose them because there isn’t any official record of them any more.

It pisses me off royally that nobody I’ve represented before 2002 to 1997, depending on the jurisdiction, has burglaries or assaults or a whole range of far more serious crimes than mine recorded, but I have to disclose a trespass (pathologically pissed and terminally confused on the roof of a place I once lived in - 1969) and a tax offence marginally less serious than Al Capone’s (my accountant didn’t lodge my return in time and the first I knew of it was the Tax Office summons - 1981).

I’m in favour of dropping the record after a period of no more offending appropriate to the offence.

LOL I was only kidding and my response was meant completely tongue-in-cheek…

I had to check so see if it was still there in fact after I made that post.:smiley: (it is)

I think it should be said though that that was over a year ago now and the point is long since expired…

I think a deserve a new and second chance in society…:slight_smile:

Well apart form a few speeding tickets and numerous parking violations, there’s really little against me. I dunno if that’s luck or cunning though.:smiley:

Although on a serious note, I notice as I get older, the less afraid of the police I get and nearly got in an argument with a NY State Trooper just over a year ago…

As I get older I find that police object to me calling them sonny, especially at 3 in the morning when they should really be in bed. When I was in the US recently my mate got a fine from a US policeman who objected to him asking for military discount, I mean come on, why not!

For some strange reason he was invited to spend the night with the Cop in question and didnt get the right response when he joked about the copper fancying him or something.

I love the US, but sometimes when those guys put a uniform on they take their sense of humour off!

That reminds me of a run in I had with a US Major many years back, he asked me if my Col was in and I said ‘yeah’.

He shouted at me, ‘Don’t yeah me boy’ and was totally perplexed when I replied, ‘don’t boy me Sir’.

By perplexed I mean he started ranting and raving and mentioned a place called Leavenworth, then stockade and then had to have a sit down for a bit. To be honest I dont think I have seen anyone go so red. He used to glower at me for the next 3 years but never spoke to me again…

You should have just said “You What?”

Or mentioned that he couldn’t send to to Levonworth or probalby the stockade on the grounds you were British and not American.