Inside an Italian bomber - Italian Forces | Gallery

Inside an Italian bomber

The bottom nacelle of an Italian bomber Savoia-Marchetti S.79 occupied by the bombardier’s stations (the man in foreground) and by the Fiat R turret, one Breda-SAFAT 12.7 mm machine gun, 350 shot, operated by the gunner in background, for the defence of the plane’s rear and lower sector. The presence of the nacelle indicate a photo taken inside a S.79 bomber because on S.79 torpedo aircraft the same nacelle were removed. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Whereabouts is the bomb aimer actually positioned, I presume the Breda-SAFAT MG’s in front of him (or above him) are the waist guns so it looks like he is positioned behind the bomb bay.

Is his position in the front of the lower bulge as there appears to be a glazed section there.

I had always assumed he was below the pilots and behind the engine.

The MG’s disposal of the S.79 bomber configuration is as follows: Upper sector: one 12.7mm fixed over the cockpit firing forward activated by the 1st pilot (often removed); one 12,7mm firing backward traversed by the gunner on the “hump”. Fuselage’s side: one 7,7mm activated by the waist gunner (moved from the right to left or vice versa). Bottom sector: one 12.7mm firing backward traversed by the gunner in the bottom nacelle (see the photo). On the S.79 torpedo bombers the bottom nacelle is removed together the bottom gunner and bombardier’s stations. Best regards, Victor Sierra