Interesting picture

I found the following picture in an old book (a pile of which I recently recovered from a German friend’s grandfather’s attic), so scanned it. They appear to show a Waffen-SS soldier using a type of weapon not normally seen, which is interesting in itself. It’s probably (my educated guess) from a late-war trial. The rifle, as was common with many German small-arms such as the G43 sports a small, optional (there are iron sights visible as well) telescopic sight, and seems to contain features with a passing resemblance to features on more modern firearms. It appears to be some kind of light automatic rifle, and yet it doesn’t appear in any of the standard books or websites. If I find any more pictures in these books as I work my way through them I’ll scan them too.

well, its certainly not an mp44 with an IR sight. Its not a G43 either.

Found another:

This one shows a German with a captured M1 carbine, which is unusual:

Looks like he may be on the assault with it! :twisted:

Here’s 2 featuring the G43:

Carbines were often taken from US corpses by german forces. in the close quarters of woods/town fighting, the carbine was a more useful weapon then the K98. also, the carbine was very light, so the orginal weapon could also be carried.

is that fellow wearing a face-mask?

Here’s another one featuring the mystery rifle I’ve just come across:

You scrote, youve been Walting in your garden with the FN…

Editted to add, I was going to say that after you showed the 1st photo but was afraid of ridicule if I was wrong!!!

looks a hella like the postwar german G-3, maybe an early version?

you know, it could be a reenactor posing with the G-3w.scope wearing a waffen-ss camo helmet/tunic.

I always assumed that that was a purely post-war design

the gun that the ss-man is carrying looks too much like the early version G-3.

Here’s another interesting one off the internet:

No, these pictures are scans out of an old book.

And it’s definitely not a G3, unless they really did invent it during the war

thats obviously an mp-43/44 with a sight.

they might have invented it during the war. I see no other gun that looks like that except the early version G-3

IMHO someone is pulling your leg.
I was carrying the FN for a loong time and i can tell you that the gun in the first pictures is definetely one of these.

LOL Stoat, stop being mean.