Interesting pictures


I belong to modeller’s club in Lithuania. We make paper, plastic and scratchbuild models. In 2009 January 24-25 we will have a show and I need to create a poster. The problem is, that I do not have any decent size and quality photos. I tried looking on internet, but all I found was small size *.jpg. The time is also running out, so I decided to search for help here.

I created a sketch of a poster. I would like very much to present on it interesting photo from WW2. Here is an example:

As you can see I used an old picture, which I found some time on internet. The problem is - the poster’s size is 50/70 cm (around 20/28") and picture which I have, is a very small jpg 600/450pixels 72 dpi.

So, my huge request is to find a similar photo in decent size and format (if possible) for me. The theme here is soldiers together. Please, help me.

I think your best option is to do some more searching yourself: you know best the type of image you want. Were you aware that with at least some search engines (e.g., google), you can use the advanced functions to restrict your search to only large/very large results?

You may also wish to search on-line databases in national archives for photos. Most such photos, AFAIK, are in the public domain and are free to use.