Some nights ago flipping channels almost by custom and no hoping find anything interesting in the cable tv ( actually I lost already all the faith that TV could amuse a rare mind like the mine) I realize something distressful… The war in Irak is no more in the news or the headlines nor the headlines.
Had all the problems there been solved ?
Has been the victims, soldier, civilians, hostages, journalist forgotten so quickly ?
Honestly and despite my admiration towards the american way of acting in life ( admiration that had cost me some bitter conversations with brother, sisters and friends) is still hard to diggest how the US military forces were embroled themselves in such muddy waters.
I share the opinion of those who believe that this war had a cut off the readiness and willingness of the US military and political forces to commit in a future conflict, narrowing the acting space of mr Obama against more important menaces like is today Noth korea and the crazy mfs of Iran.
But of course I am thousand miles away and my visions and opinions could be distorted so I would like to hear others opinions specially from USA and UK.