Is heimwehr danzig a nazi troll?

I’m a bit uneasy about him / her.

The posts seem innocent enough but, underneath the apparent politeness and reasonableness, there seems to be a steady theme of excusing Nazi war crimes etc.

As always, time will tell.

I suspect he’s just young enough not to have got over the “zomg cool uniforms” phase.


He seems rather better informed than that lot, albeit a bit confused about some aspects.

I was thinking by his posting that he was at least in his late 20s, if not much older…

I was in fact thinking of starting this thread myself. I do not think he’s a troll, but do think this person my be a seriously right wing and deranged enough to be a bit of an apologist rather than just a comic-book-super-tech-Nazi fanboi. I can’t remember the specific skit name, but recall a Monty Python skit about elections where the extreme rightist candidate is in favor of “Oncintration Amps.” I think of that skit when i read his posts quite frankly…

After reviewing some of his posts, I am reminded of some of the true believers in the labor union I used to be in when working for the “Generally Motionless” Corporation. They would always say that they see your line of thinking,sometimes agreeing with some small part of whats being said, but nonetheless will continue to press in a very subtle way, their own (in this case ,socialist ) viewpoint. ( I always wondered why people with college degrees would work a job on a production line) I would view Heimwehr’s posts with some suspicion. Though as you say, time will tell if he’s a troll, or just a true believer.

He’s been on the photo site for quite some time. No peculiarities so far.
His posts are controversial but I see no reason for us to intervene so far.
Still he shows an attitude you’d not expect from a limey.:D;)

See my latest comment on the Himmler thread. I’m starting to have second thoughts about this guy…

Well, you’ve called him on it, lets see what his response is. Kurt was good for backing off if called on something, then starting again after a bit. another reaction is to become angry, and crudely belittle the challenger . both are a red flag.(figuratively speaking)

Backed off and said he was “only trying to lighten the tone”.

It’s this one, towards the end.

Well, if that’s not a white supremacist outlook wanting to get rid of darker skinned people, I don’t know what is. :wink: :smiley:

Time is beginning to tell.

#70 at

I suppose we should joust with Herr Himmler Jnr for a while, at least until we agree that he’s the ****ing neo-Nazi I thought he was and boot him.

Even if he has an overblown sense of sarcastic humor, its a bit much. I havnt really watched the guy’s posts, past the first one, but I agree with RS* let him hang himself. He’s really little different from Kurt, just a little more subtle.At least for the moment, he has some entertainment value. I also notice that he is dragging up any old thread that will serve to further his aims.

He may have decided to wind his neck in a bit - just got this by PM…

[i]I realise that we may have had a misunderstanding regarding a comment which I made in the Himmler’s Bodyguard thread.

I wanted to assure you (as you are a staff member) that in no way was it meant to be a pro-Nazi comment. It was an attempt at levity, which I realise may be out of place on a serious topic and from a junior member. However, no ill intent was present on my part.

I hope this clears the matter up, however I will keep posts on sensitive topics more ‘conservative’ from now on.

Kind regards,

I got a PM from him apologising for comments in the IRA thread. Which means nothing to me, as we’ve been through this before with other nuisances.

It’s interesting that in the IRA thread Iron Yeoman commented upon danzig being a ‘devils advocate’ for the SS, so his bent is apparent to others outside the mod room.

Danzighasn’t done anything to warrant banning or even an infraction yet, but I expect that he’ll do something to merit a formal warning sooner rather than later.

Agreed. The way he suddenly backed off and apologised in the IRA thread was particularly suspicious - that’s classic trolling behaviour…

Especially when he seemed so artificially cavalier and passionate about it all. then just drops it? Yeah, I suspected this guy within his first three posts…

And now he has a buddy, Unkles to play ping pong with on the Morant thread.

I just threw a comment in the IRA thread. Let’s see how he reacts…

Unkles is genuine.

Perhaps obsessed with what I see as his somewhat selectively legalistic viewpoint on Morant, but genuine nonetheless.

And yes, I know it’s ironic for a lawyer to disparage another lawyer for being legalistic.

But, in my defence, I’m not being paid for my opinion here. :wink: :smiley:

Unkles reminds me of another Australian retired armed service lawyer who’s got a bee in his bonnet in his retirement.