Is Joel109 aly j, or similar?

There are things about Joel109 that have had my troll detecting antennae giving a bit of a twitch for a while, but I couldn’t put my finger on it until he (or she) posted this: #18

Go back through the threads on WWIIIC and the link and they’re classic aly j in structure: improbable story followed up by requests for help, both on the topic and on how to post pictures etc, while being unable actually to post evidence, and then posting ‘proof’ which consists largely of ‘evidence’ from another site where, (Surprise! Surpise!) instead of Wiki or whatever the ‘evidence’ now consists largely of the poster’s own comments along the same lines as his / her WWIIIC thread.

See my post at #20 for an indication of how Joel seems to be appropriating internet information to bolster his fantasy.

I checked the IP address and it seems to resolve to Travis Air Force Base in California, which seems to be not far from the poster’s stated location in Vacaville., although one of the IP address finders puts it in Connecticut on the other side of the continent.

So that was where I was earlier tonight, concluding that I was probably completely off the beam as a serving air force member would be unlikely to create such a fictional personality.

Anyway, still suspicious and for a bit of a test aimed at the claimed difficulty in posting pictures of evidence and to throw out a bit of bait for a troll I posted this #19 at 9.52 p.m. tonight my time

And, Lo and behold!, I got this PM sent at 10.31 p.m. tonight my time from Joel109, which again is classic aly j in structure, from the title to the plaintive content, , albeit in clear English which she was capable of when she forgot to stay in character as a semi-literate drongo.

Leave me alone please.

No offense, but I would really appreciate it if you would just stop posting comments on my threads. Every comment you have made to every one of my threads has been quite negative. You don’t seem like a very nice person at all and I would appreciate it if you could keep all your negative feelings to yourself. It’s nothing personal, you just have been very negative towards me ever since I joined these boards and I would really rather not have anything to do with you. I hope you understand. Thanks.

I replied, not that I believe it’s aly but just in case it is:

I understand it perfectlaly

I don’t know how the IP address fits, although it might be a literate military kid like the semi-literate Sgt Dorr some time ago living out a military fantasy, but I reckon that Joel109 is a definite suspect for having informed himself / herself about the dead pilot he / she claims as a great uncle, and for playing the sort of games aly j played.

Joel isn’t necessarily aly j, but we’ve had clones of that type and Joel might turn out to be another one.

Time will tell.

Very interesting. I await developments.

Apart from Joel’s public departure in his contentious thread linked above, he sent me the following PM. I would have been surprised if he didn’t fire a parting shot at me, which is a trolling PM in its own right.

You got your wish

You got your wish. I am leaving this website. I can’t stay here when the members are so disrespectful and so full of hate like you. My great uncle gave his life during WWII and all I wanted to do was share my story. All you have ever done since I became a member of these boards is throw hate my way. Well, you can throw it at somebody else now because I’m moving on. You really should seek some help because you seem to be filled with nothing but hate and rage. I truly hope you are able to become a better person in the future. Good luck.

If he’s not aly j, and I really don’t see how he could be as far as IP addresses are concerned, I think this is more evidence for an internet syndrome which I’ll christen the “aly j ‘poor little me’ helpless victim troll syndrome”.

While I appreciate Joel’s concern for me, he’s gonna be severely disappointed if he thinks I might become a better person. :smiley:

I wouldn’t bet my house on Joel not posting again.

This could be the real Joel109, as the surname, location and service details, such as we have, fit.

It might even be the Joel posting on this forum.

But I find it hard to believe that a bloke with close to 15 years in the USAF and now a loadmaster or similar (can’t find it now but somewhere I think I found his rank as sgt) would be such a girly victim wimp as the one who comes across as more of an aly j type whinger on the board.

Or maybe he’s just a very nice bloke with a touch of paranoia and no internet skills who’s been unfairly beaten up by me because his posts look a bit suspicious to my cynical eyes? In which case I’ll feel like a bastard.

(The sheila pulling on the jeans has an ordinary head behind a big nose, but I can see why Joel wasn’t focused on that. :smiley: This has nothing to do with doing justice to Joel, and if I get hold of the sheila I’ll do justice to her and that will have nothing to do with doing justice to Joel. ;))

Only a sgt. after 15 years? I made it in three and a half…

He might well be a message board noob that can’t take any scrutiny or criticism. But his claims are borderline silly…

Sounds more like he is 15 and pretending to be one…