Is member J.A.W. becoming a problem child.

J.A.W. Has been reported by members a couple of times, and currently has 2 infraction points against him. I just read this in the linked thread, post #3 by Ardee. I’m inclined to begin leaning on J.A.W. a bit concerning his behavior.

He’s a troll, without question who’s a strident advocate for his right to be a total cvnt on a message board…

I’m waltzing him around a bit, if he doesn’t get the hint, then I’ll educate him.

User: J.A.W.
Infraction: Trolling
Points: 2

Administrative Note:


Message to User:[quote]You are given this infraction for continued Trolling, and the aforementioned thread jacking. Once your suspension is completed, any future infraction can result in permanent banning.

Good job, he’s an argument troll tosser that basically told me he’s been banned or driven off from many aviation boards. His pedantic troll arguing is old and enough is enough…

His shenanigans would have started to put people off visiting here, so as you said, enough was enough. If he returns at all, it probably won’t be for long.

If he resumes his pedantic argument trolling in the P-38 thread, I’m perma-banning him. I’m tried of the bizarre chestnuts of logic such as the P-38 Lightning was a lousy fighter because “it wasn’t used in Vietnam!” What? No shit it wasn’t!

Was reading one of his from a week ago and my finger was hovering over the big red button before deciding I was too knackered to deal with it and would put it off to later. I’d be surprised if he lasts very long when he does return - he’s fishing for bites, rather than debating.

As far as the P-38 thread goes, I could see what he was doing, but not knowing anything in particular about that fine aircraft, I had no idea what the details were, so could not say anything about it unless he did something really untoward. Once Ardee voiced his complaint in the other thread (prostitution/pleasure women) I decided that he had, aside from his rather incendiary post, gone far enough, and needed to be dealt with. The rest was his own doing.


I was under the misapprehension that JAW had been banned only for his conduct in the “Anybody can see that enslaved prostitutes were necessary” thread.

I wasn’t aware of the wider issues covered in this thread.

I agree with the view of the other mods that he deserved his ban.

Banned, for being a trolling idiot…

Trolling, fair enough.

But if we’re going to start banning people for being idiots, where will that lead? :wink: :smiley:

I’ve just banned myself, to save me the trouble later… :slight_smile: JAW is out of the Hoosegow now, so he may return to brighten our days.

If you make it idiot proof, then, someone will make a better idiot.

That’s sort of what I was getting at. Apart from Nick and me being idiots. :wink: :smiley:

Then the Three Musketeers are we. I’m still working on the “better” Idiot part. :wink: :slight_smile:

I doubt that the three of us combined could outdo JAW’s (can’t be bothered with the dots in his name) idiocy, but if anyone could my money is on Ndf. :wink: :smiley:

Does JAW write in some sort of surrealist, cubist stream of consciousness, or is he just a semi-literate ****wit with a smattering of poorly applied and poorly expressed knowledge beyond the failures of the P38?

As for his writing on the P38, I don’t know why he expects the Walther pistol to be able to fly. :wink:

He may be writing about the American P-38 can opener, issued with C-Rations, they are quite light, and would exhibit glide characteristics somewhat superior to those of the P-38 Pistol. :slight_smile:
As to his Idiocy quotient , it sounds like he’s been studying with Timothy Leary . (It might explain his attraction to shiny things named P-38) :slight_smile:

One of the most brilliant inventions of all time.

First time I encountered one I thought it was too flimsy to do anything, but they worked remarkably well.

Its one thing we got right. (assuming of course that the U.S. actually made it,.)

I think the US got one or two other things right, along with a few minor things like developing the atom bomb and landing men on the moon.

I’ve discovered that not only was there a P 38 can opener but also a P 51 one

Which is encouraging me to be quite idiotic in the P 38 thread where JAW is distinguishing himself, buy I’m hoping to restrain myself.