Is the NUKE that powerful?

Saw the nuke go off on tv and it didn’t look that powerful. Forgot how many miles it goes, but I think 3-5? Thats weak. What I call powerful if it can wipe Texas out in 1 blow, now thats power. :twisted: 8)

there is something called an ICBM

if this post is serious, you don’t deserve access to the internet or a high school education.

are you ironman?

This is realy stupid topic ,we should stay on ww2 tematics ,this is nuclear age tematic . :lol:

From watching a nuke go bang on TV you fail to see all the other things that happen. 90% of the people in the area who have not been killed right off will be blind if they are out side. A very large proportion of those inside will also be effected. You then have the blast, this is the fast moving ring coming out from ground Zero. It may not kill you but the debris it is carrying will. This is followed by the implosion the same but in the other direction. Then you have the fallout, which is a down wind hazard and will last a long time. I cannot remember the exact figures but following Hiroshima within a short time every thing in the world had received a dose. Following Chernovel the Welsh sheep farmers had to kill their flocks because they glowed in the dark.

It also depends on yield and type of bomb. Modern ICBMs has 12+ warheads so all major areas of habitation will be a glowing carter.

the little dots are Battle ships!

Yes they are “that” powerful.

Living organisms evaporated (in part and in total) for about 3-5 miles from the detonation point in Nagasaki. The pressure wave heading out from the explosion will throw you to the floor break your bones etc.

The negative pressure behind the blast will then mean that all the oxygen in your body, your lungs, your haemoglobin, your bone marrow, your liquid rich areas of flesh, eyes, mouth, gentials, muscles, internal organs, will no longer have the air pressure on them to keep things in place. consequently they will expand. to the poiutn they break open, intenral haemorraging. etc etc etc etc

Dive decompression gone wrong. the negative pressure behins the blast is going to be “I heard” in the area of 2 atmospheres down, Im not sure what charge that warhead was in reference too (it might have been daisy cutters)

in any case - yes they will hurt!

Don’t forget the results of exposure to the extremely intense X-ray and neutron radiation during theactual reaction (different from contamination by radioactive fallout).
It will mostly affect the cells of your body, which are multiplying fast, like the inner liner of the intestines, the bone marrow and the white blood cells. This destruction will be followed by bleeding from all openings and general weakness. Dependuing on the radiation dose, you will die between hours or weeks after, in some cases,( low dose) you can recover, but will most likely die of cancer at some later stage of your life. Due to the effect on the immune system, you will be defenseless against diseases.

The sperm and egg cells will be affected too, leading to mutations in your children.



:frowning: too much no human

Good old boris, actually had the best air defence scheme I can imagine. Whilst the west was designing tactical battlefield nukes for slowing any rolling tank force charging across the German Plains. Boris and Ivor turned hteir attention to the huge bomber fleets they presumed would be inbound for targets in the USSR.

Ground launched S-A-M’s with nuclear warheads designed for airburst infront of approaching bomber waves. The shock wave at ground level would be bad enough these things were going to detonate at aircraft eight the fallout from that has to be immense and hte shockwave would do god knows what once it has rolled out from a detonating height of several thousand feet.

needless to say, Bombing plans were soon revised.

Actually, they wouldn’t do very much damage on the ground. All the aerial-detonating warheads (the US had them too, mainly on AAMs) were relatively small. Fallout is pretty low as they don’t go anywhere near the ground (the majority of fallout is where earth and the like has been sucked up into the fireball, combined with radioactive crud and fallen down again - the fission products from airbursts tend to spread out and have largely died away by the time they fall to earth). As for shockwaves, remember that the power is a function of the cube root of the distance from the blast. If it’s up at 30,000 feet or so (5 miles) the worst it will do is break a few windows.

The major thing nuclear warheads did was end the idea of massed bomber formations - one warhead would take out the entire formation, so from then on bombers were on their own. There is also a certain amount of sense to it - bombers are tough things, and if they’ve got nukes on board you want to be very sure they don’t survive your attack.

Interestingly, the Russians still have (so far as I remember) nuclear warheads still in place - on their ABM batteries defending Moscow (These are of course not a violation of the ABM treaty, while the US scheme in Alaska obviously is). The idea there is that you don’t have to worry about distinguishing decoys from the real thing or only hitting individual MIRVs - you just fry everything coming in on that missile bus. The US had a similar system going before Macnamara (quite possibly the worst “public servant” the US has had this century) decided he didn’t like it and cancelled it.


The west had also nuclear AA missiles, e.g. the Nike Hercules.
Another result of a nuclear explosion is the electromagnetic pulse, which, depending on the altitude of the explosion, can damage electronic equipment over up to thousands of miles.


Just to give you an idea, the biggest nuclear weapon ever constructed was the Tsar Bomba at 50 Megatonnes - that’s the equivalent of 50,000,000 Tonnes of TNT. :shock:

If you look at the first picture posted by 2nd of Foot, there is a black shadow on the right side of the stem of the mushroom. This is a huge war ship.


it’s still weak too me, like I said… if it can’t wipe out a country in 1 blow its weak :smiley:

Which country? Russia? Luxembourg? Andorra? Monaco? San Morino? Vatican City?

you seem to be very interested in destroying the human race. you must be a morrlock. or one of the crab people.

you seem to be very interested in destroying the human race. you must be a morrlock. or one of the crab people.[/quote]

I didn’t know the RAF wanted to destroy the human race! Oh, well, you learn something new every day…

You get both EMP and SREE from nuclear initiations. EMP was a problem with the early tests back in the 1950s - largely because nobody was expecting it so were rather surprised when they found it. Virtually all military kit and rather a lot of commercial kit is now hardened against EMP (the fixes are apparently rather cheap and easy - despite what some Bond villains would have you think).
In any case, given the choice of a fairly weak EMP from a high-altitude SAM detonation or a set of MIRVs air/groundbursting over a major target I know which one I’d choose :wink:

you seem to be very interested in destroying the human race. you must be a morrlock. or one of the crab people.[/quote]

I didn’t know the RAF wanted to destroy the human race! Oh, well, you learn something new every day…[/quote]

The sneaky little bastards must be sat on an enormous stock of WE177’s that were supposedly “retired”. Where’s our resident Crabs when you want to slag them off for their nuclear-genocidal leanings?

you seem to be very interested in destroying the human race. you must be a morrlock. or one of the crab people.[/quote]

I didn’t know the RAF wanted to destroy the human race! Oh, well, you learn something new every day…[/quote]

The sneaky little bastards must be sat on an enormous stock of WE177’s that were supposedly “retired”. Where’s our resident Crabs when you want to slag them off for their nuclear-genocidal leanings?[/quote]

You will rue the day when our sideways machinations are fulfilled.

We Crab ppl will dominate the entire world and make all wear the attractive Air Force Blue in a kind of 1984 style new society.

You can hide nothing wearing our see thru shirts and highly flammable trousers! Harhar har har haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…