Is this your father / grandfather??

so far i have only been able to identify the man on the left standing with rifle - my grandfather Thomas P Judge or “Red” as they called him for his hair color…
i believe the photo may have been taken on tinian or saipan as my grandfather was a CB and he is shown posing with Marines here. i think a big key would be finding out either if someone recognizes anyone in the photo or showing the photo to someone who may be able to read the flag they are holding - im not even sure if thats possible but i would like to know - there may be a family out there somewhere who would like a copy - my grandfather served with the 13th special NCB @ camp peary and was a stevedore at pearl and some mop up duties on guam and then landed with the marines (2nd i think) on saipan - if you think you know someone email me @ or post a reply :slight_smile:

also if anyone knows any good resources i could use other than the natl archives which seems to be taking their sweet time, that would be appreciated - in terms of advice on where to start to translate that flag (if even possible)



Hi, my great great grandmother was a Judge from Dublin Ireland born around 1880 I think but if you want advice on the flag I suggest you try the very knowledgeable guys over on in the Japanese section. Hope this helps…

ill take a look at that - thanks napalm - what was ur great great grandmother’s name? just curious…