Islam is rising up taking our world.

Recently i went to my near church, and my pastor was talking about how the Muslims are rising up all over the World, if you look at England, that once beautiful country has practically handed england to the muslims on a silver platter, ect ,ect.
It doesn’t matter if your not religeous at all or even if you are muslims, but i just want to hear some of your thoughts of what the world is coming to ?

For me… this is just the beginning of a Holy War between Christianity and Islam.

your pastor is absolutely wack and if your crazy enough to believe him, i’m obliged to think your’re crazy too.

Yeah i’ll second that.

IMHO Church should calm the spirits down instead of setting the spark.

I am Christian and i think your pastor is crazy :lol: holy wart no thats not happend . :wink:

There are, however, plenty of extreme Muslim groups whose stated aim is just that - everyone in the world a Muslim living under Sharia law.

Luckily they are just the loony fringe…

There is a school of thought that says that it is just as much in the interests of the “loonatic fringe” of Christianity (read: “American Evangelical bigots”) to forment conflict between “christendom” and Islam as it is in the radical Islamists. On a basic level religious strife often gets “bums on pews” and a consequent rise in collections (“tithes” as the loonies have it).
There is also the issue of prophecy, many Christian fundies that literally believe every word of the bible seem to think that the conditions are in place for the Apocalypse and they don’t seem to be averse to helping it along a bit. :roll:

There are lunatic fringes in every group. Muslims, christians and jews.

Weren’t those nutjobs in Waco a sort of cult that had christian roots?

One lunatic fringe seems to be rather quicker to blow itself up than the other though…

As has been said before every belief system without exception (even the buddhists!) has an extremist fringe, often violent. I’m not at all worried about a ‘muslim takeover’ of Britain as the majority of the population (94%+ not sure of exact figures but best i could find) are from a christian background, and of these a large would say religion plays little or no part in their lives. I very much doubt a few thousand can take over and convert tens of millions whose very lifestyle (which they thoroughly enjoy) is completely different to that which these extremists propose to introduce.

It could never work in Britain we enjoy boozing & fornicating far too much. I think you will also find there is an equal number of muslims who have fully embraced a ‘modern’ British lifestyle i.e. drinking and shagging (i know at least 10 muslims who do) who wouldn’t dream of repalcing Britian with a Caliphate and I think i am not gilding the lily by saying you will also find the majority of British muslims do not fall into either category and are quite content to live in Britain as it is.

In conclusion this pastor is whipping up anti-muslim sentiment not too dis-simliar to the anti-semitic rhetoric that used to be broadcasted across Europe until we all saw sense. In fact I would even go so far as saying this pastor is verging on racism.
Commando Jordovski, do you live in England? Does your pastor? If he does then he obviously lives in a small box 5 miles underground. If not and you are as I suspect living abroad then he has no comprehension of what England is actually like and I suggests he visits and meets my very good friend Abdullah.
Rant over, ease springs.

my OPINION is that a Holy War would break out between Jews and Christian Vs Muslims… it is also prophecised

but alas, what you pastor says is WRONG. Christian religion preaches that every man is our brother. If this is so, why does Pastor say these things against his own brothers???

love everyone whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, whatever it may be

but it still doesnt change my opinion that a Holy War WILL break out.

I doubt that Christians and Jews would come together, when Christians hate them so much which I do no understand, in a sense a holy war has already broke how and ended, ever heard of the crusades?

yes i have heard of the crusades

but the Christian and the Jews have a common enemy, the Muslims

my enemies enemy is my friend think its a true statement?

I don’t think so, when you have christians calling other people Jews as an insult, it’s to extreme to form an allience. And the only reasons christians see Muslims as an enemy is because they are retarded and iggnorant. And Jews hating Muslims? Wha?

u mean u dont know Jews and Muslims hate each other???

dont tell me uve been hiding in a hole lately??? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Im not agree mate,but i had lately a debate with StalingradK,so,i guess i don’t have to post here more.

Yeah, they hate each other only in Israel and Palestine.

im guessing where u live there aint jews and muslims together ayeee

come to sydney where i live for 1 week and ull understand me :wink:

Some of you think my Pastor is a bit wacky lol, but actually is the most well known pastor in australia… he has alot of respect.
My point is that Islamic and christianity are gettting pretty serious these days and i dont know if we are all aware of what is happening in this world of crime and death.

I really cant see a Holy War, especially in Western Europe, because religion just does not play that big a part in day to day life anymore.

Firefly i agree with you holy war did not happend .