Isn't COD5 awesome!!!!

Sure is, setting Japs on fire,blowing the legs of Germans,blowing crap up in a T-34,blowing brains out with my sniper rifle,taking down nazi zombies, and much much more!

setting Japs on fire,blowing the legs of Germans,blowing crap up in a T-34,blowing brains out with my sniper rifle,taking down nazi zombies

Oh, this sounds wonderful:confused:…christmas is coming! I guess it’s time for him (or her?) once more:

I hope COD5 does a better interpretation of the PTO than MOH:Rising Sun.

What’s this about “Nazi zombies”?

its a mode after you beat the single campaign and you kill zombies (nazi) and get money and buy weapons, sounds fun but i must beat the campanig, i do like the multi though, if anyone would like too play my xbox live gamertag is RifleMan20

Me and my son have pre-ordered this, should come tomorrow. My son has an Xbox 360 and I have a PS3.

Xbox 360 dudes have had this in multiplayer as a download for a wee while and it looks very much like COD4, same rankings in Live etc.

Even after year we still play COD4, the ranking and achievement system can be compulsive and addictive so Im expecting the new one to be similar.

Ive had a go at the Mp and it plays the same, but some of the weapons upgrades are mad, but do the same thing. A red dot sight now becomes a better iron sight, not realistic, but fun.

Agree. But… Single is too damn short… About 3,5 hours of playing on Hardened? But Nazi Zombies is great :smiley:

It got some bad reviews but i still love the game, especially the multi, the single is good but no where as good as 4 and the zombie with your friends is great (been up to 8 myself and 17 with friends) the multi is still great and still the best you can get though i think the tanks should of stayed out and there needed to be more open maps and more small maps like dome (my fav). if i would of rated it, i would of gave it a 9/10

+Great multiplayer fun with new enhancesments and usually never gets boring.

+Co-op is great especially with friends.

+/-The story is not as strong and not as long as 4 but there are some parts that just make you want to scream in victory and the loading screens are historically accurate and cool

-Graphics did not enhance much what so ever. Tanks piss me off. Why keep martydom and juggernaught, they are noobish and suck, at least make it a high level perk.

9 out of 10 and it will stay like that till otherwise.

I wish there would be something like PC-console coop network, where owners of PS3, X360 an PC could play multiplayer matches. That would be awesome. I know my friend would buy CoD:WaW on X360 and i have this o PC an we never play in COOP. :frowning:

But in fact, i think that console players would have no chances with PC gamers :stuck_out_tongue:

Ive been playing this off and on for about 5 days now. havent finished the single payer game yet so no Zombies though.

Heres my limited take on the game so far.

Using the same engine as COD4 it looks, feels and plays the same. It takes a while to get into the new weapons but once you do it feels like putting on an old familiar pair of boots.

Graphically its got to be the best ww2 FPS game out there. The maps are well crafted and the story line, if a bit cheesey is OK.

Multiplayer is not as good as COD4 though and this is why I think so:

Far far too many spawn kills, I dont mind camping or campers at all, but a heck of a lot of the time you die within about 5 - 10 seconds of spawning which becomes very annoying.

Free for all has only 5 maps, why not make all the maps available in FFA just like COD4? This gets annoying too as maps like Dome are just too small.

Dogs are a pain in the ass and a game breaker. Ive had dogs who definitely won me the game by getting 10-15 kills. No skill in that and its often a case that the first guy to get the dogs wins the game.

Weapon perks are unrealistic, red dot sights in COD4 become Aperature sights in COD5. Flash bangs are Tabun gas etc etc, although i like the bouncing betties, but everyone uses them.

Juggernaut is too strong for a ww2 game where most of the weapons arent fully auto. This was OK in COD4 when most weapons were auto but in ww2 COD5 you cant kill someone using an Ariska who has juggernaut with 1 shot unless you can head kill him. This is where you need to play hardcore with those weapons. The only way to counter juggernaut is to use it yourself.

The target boxes around a player are mad, Ive had head shots when firing at guys feet and not has them when Scoped onto a head. They need to fix this as it spoils a lot of the game.

What happens then is that everyone soon learns to play to the lowest common denominator and thats mostly an automatic weapon, Juggernaut, bouncing betties and spawn killing.

Dont get me wrong its still a good fun game but it has more faults than COD4 as modern weapons lend themselves to the format. I think they basically ported COD4 over to ww2 and had to think up the equivalent perks.

Finally, does anyone else think that when you hear guys running it sounds like they are wearing high heels?


I have played Hardcore for 4/5 games and all games were camping fests as the killcam is disabled.Shame.
Played co-op with 3 friends and it was a lot of fun I must say.I couldn’t stop laughing to be honest.
Campaign,I am stuck in the Reichstag on hardened.I don’t even want to think how the veteran mode is!

I think everything is still impressive, i guess you just have to see my records than, heres my stats from the game (another + about it)

and reichstag was hard but i beat the campaign on hardened in 4 to 5 hrs tops or more, not sure

Hardest level was the one were you had to destroy the 88’s in front of the Reichstag and then the Germans just pour out of the building.

Yep, tons of attempts and alot of pissing off.

Yeah like wear i attack the right side and germans are just pouring out so you dont have enough snipe ammo not the ending of the reichstag level was pretty awesome.

Yea, but do you have it for 360 or ps3

I chose ps3 for free online but i do have a xbox.

Xbox is my thing, but i wanna see your stats, link your game from the multiplayer menu then go to the cod website and make yourself a user name then go to your profile where you’ll find a tab called linking where you will click and it will ask what’s your online name and yada yada yada, it speaks for it self afterward. On page one I have my stats, go ahead and look.

Sure didint know u could do that.

Nevermined it was just a glitch