ISU-152 "Zveroboy"

The name “Zveroboy” translated to english like “animal killer”, “trapper”, “hunter”. This name was given to (forgot term) selfmoving gun ISU-152

This name was given to this weapon because it very efficient kill any “animals” like Tiger or Panther :D. They used 152-mm gun and fast speed. Initually was researched on the base of KV-2 tank. This weapon was excelent and greatly outcome the “Ferdinand”. In the field experiments, the ISU-152 shot Tiger in front armor, destroy it, and then, destroy huge piece of back armor and thown it about 40 meters… In the history of war, well known event, when the one shot of ISU-152 destroyed 2 Tiger tank in a line from side attack… I love this weapon tooo, like BM-13 :smiley:

that would be Russias heavy tank right?

Not a tank. Anti-tank gun with mobile base (I forgot the english term) , like Ferdinand.

oh ok.

The english term would be Self-Propelled Anti-Tank gun. The Russians built 704 standard SU-152’s in 1943, then switched production in late
1943 to the improved ISU-122’s and 152’s. They built 35 of these in 1943, 2,510 in 1944 and 1,530 in 1945. These were the largest Self-Propelled
Anti-Tank guns of the war. According to the information I have, the
SU-122 generally mounted a lower-velocity 122mm M-30 howitzer for use as battlefield assault artillery, and directly against infantry. It was mounted on a T-34 chassis. The SU-85 and SU-100 were also on T-34 chassis, and mounted high-velocity anti-tank guns. The SU-152 was a 152mm howitzer on a KV chassis. It was intended as an assault weapon against infantry. The ISU-152 and ISU-122 were both mounted on IS chassis. The ISU-152 also was an assault howitzer against infantry, but the ISU-122 was a high-velocity anti-tank weapon. My source is

I think its very powerful tank!

This ISN’T TANK! And Henrici - chassi of ISU-152 is chassi of KV-tank. For T-34’ chassi it’s a very high weight…

I Know i am not stupid!

In the field experiments, the ISU-152 shot Tiger in front armor, destroy it, and then, destroy huge piece of back armor and thown it about 40 meters… In the history of war, well known event, when the one shot of ISU-152 destroyed 2 Tiger tank in a line from side attack… I love this weapon tooo, like BM-13 :smiley:
You’re cool

[quote=“South African Military”]that would be Russias heavy tank right?[/quote
Thats it, I’ve had it with you. This tank has a 152 mm cannon; you don’t even see that kind of firepower on tanks these days! What, did you think it was on a light tank? No, wait, it was on an armoured car eh?


T-34s please stop using insults, for God sake!!!
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So please stop insulting.

:lol: hehehehehe, ah thts funny. :smiley: :smiley: No sry mate, i dont know a hell of allot about tanks, its not my specialty. But there is a mobile howitzer these days with that type of cannon, and so I must of got mixed up with that and heavy tanks. Please excuse me. :smiley: Anyway my mistakes were corrected much earlier, and your post was not neccesary…

if we have a woman admin,i will sleep with her :wink:

SU - 152
On February 14, 1943, the GKO accepted for service a new assault gun under new signature SU-152. In 1 March 1943 the mass production of SU-152 has begun in Chelyabinsk. Up to end of 1943 there were built 704 of new assault guns. During the production a new turret device for 12.7 mm DShK AAMG has been designed.

The first regiment of new assault guns was formed in May 1943. Soviet tankeers accept the new SPG with delight due to its ability to successful counteraction with German “zoo” (like “Tigers” and “Panthers”). During Kursk battle SU-152 received a new nick - “Zveroboy” (“Animal Killer”) because during 12 days of battles this regiment could destroy 12 “Tigers” and 7 “Ferdinands”. This regiment consisted of 12 SPGs, and later - of 21 SU-152 (winter 1943-1944).

The ML-20 cannon had 655 m/s muzzle velocity and was capable to penetrate 110 mm vertical armor from distance of 2000 metres. The weight of the AP shell for this cannon was 48.78 kg, and 43.6 kg for the fragmentation shell.

ISU - 152
The success of the SU-152 forced Soviet tank designers to develop another vehicles based on new IS tank, which production begun in Cheluabinsk.

Admittedly this was a very powerfull SP Gun that under the right conditions could kill a Tiger or Panther. However it suffered from the same drawbacks as other SP guns, namely no turret. It also took an extended time to load the thing as for the 152 especially the ammo came in 2 parts. Undoubtedly a great support weapon but unless conditions are right your not going to go head to head against a German at any range like 2000 mtrs. The German will win every time.

The Germans used the same idea in their Jagdpanzer (e.g. the Jagdpanther), use the chassis of a proven tank and install a huge AT gun in the hull.


yeah!,that was huge.

Not exactly the same idea. The Jagdpanther was an anti tank unit form the start and was equipped with the same 88 mm gun as the Tiger II (Royal Tiger). The JagdTiger was the anti tank version of the King Tiger and sported an impressive 128 mm gun (very few of these saw action).

The German equivalent of the SU-152 were the Brumbar with its 150mm Gun (based on PzIV chassis) and the legendary SturmoserTiger based on the Tiger 1 Chassis and with a whopping 380mm rocket ammunition:

I would have classed the JSU 152 as an assault gun more than an SPAT vehicle.

The 152 mm was an artillery piece first and foremost, with a relatively limited AP capability in terms of its size. Sure, it would stop most tanks with a good hit, but it was designed as a bludgeon not a rapier (to use an anolgy).

As Firefly (?) has pointed out, the nearer German equivalent would be something like the STUG or Brumbar, rather than Jagdpanther or Jagdtiger. I’m not sure the STURMTIGER really had anything like it at all! Possible the CHURCHILL AVRE with a petard mortar.

The assault gun concept was a solution to a problem nearly as old as the tank itself - that of the turret ring. In a normal, turreted tank, you need a lathe of gargantuan proportions to make the turret ring, and this can be the limiting factor in your tank production capacity. The bigger the gun you want to mount in the turret, the bigger the turret and thus the bigger the turret ring (apart from the actual physical size of the breech, the turret ring also has to transmit the recoil stresses to the hull).

However, in an assault gun, you don’t have a turret ring so you don’t need quite as many machine tools to make it, and the weight saved on the turret ring, traverse mechanisms etc can be used to allow thicker armour (usually over the frontal arc) on the same chassis as the “parent” tank.

Interestingly, there were a series of experiments at the Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill, into the AP effects of larger calibre artiller pieces. One of the most effective rounds was a 155 mm shell filled with concrete. It just knocks a big hole in the tank.

I also found out a few years ago that a number of the large USSR artillery pieces seen in the May Day parades of the 1950s and 60s were fakes designed to fool the West. That 310 mm SPG was apprently a JS series chassis with a big tube on top that looked like a gun. The USSR truly were the masters of maskirovka.

edited to add paras 4 & 5

id like to apologize to South African Millitary for being a jerk earlier on i think i was drunk or something at the time wich i know is no excuse but anyway sorry

that is a very nice apologize :smiley: , im afraid SAM isn’t here very often,is it his work or the timezone that never ables me to see him?.