Italian and German seaplane at Leros - Italian Forces | Gallery

Italian and German seaplane at Leros

Italian float plane CRDA Cant-Z-506B “Airone” of 147th Squadriglia Autonoma Ricognizione Marittima (Autonomous Squadron Maritime Reconnaissance) on the slipway of the air harbor of Leros Island, Greece, 1942, during engine overhaul. Note, behind the Italian aircraft, the large crane of slipway and a German flying boat Dornier Do.24T-1 employed mainly in search-and-rescue missions. The 147th Squadriglia was an unit of Comando Militare Marittimo "Grecia" (Military Maritime Command “Greece”) in turn under the authority of Comando Aviazione Ausiliaria Regia Marina (Auxiliary Aviation for Royal Navy Command) with HQ at Rome. Victor Sierra

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I remember, then I was youth, the last Cant-Z-506s still in flight. A beautiful spectacle. This planes, finish all silver, was employed by 85th Gruppo of Vigna di Valle, Bracciano Lake, for search-and-rescue and lastly was replaced by the twin engine amphibian Grumman HU-16 Albatross. But the American plane not matched up the Italian seaplane most of all in the behavior in the particular features of Mediterranean Sea. The sole Cant-Z.506 still existing is at Aeronautical Museum of Vigna di Valle. Victor Sierra