Italian Military exercise - Italian Forces | Gallery

Italian Military exercise

Italian Military exercise, I think in the end of the 30s (correct me, if I am wrong) @Carn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Actually, this looks to me to the same gun as in the other photo, which I believe is a Cannone da 65/17. I’m not sure which 75mm Skoda you’re referring to, but one clue: most Skodas had a shield that is angled. The 65/17 has a shield that is straight up and down, like this one. The 65/17 is more commonly seen without a shield…

Sorry Ardee, I would have written 75/13. Yes, you are right, it could be actually the 65/17 of the other pic, gun that as you say rarely is used with its shield. Anyway, in other pics of the set not posted here, are shown 65/17 without shield and 75/13 with the shield. This one could be either a 65/17 or a 75/13. To be completely sure, one should be able to identify the round they’re putting in the breech…