Ivan Sidorenko Sniper of the U.S.S.R

Ivan Sidernko was a sniper of the U.S.S.R he was well known for his kills of 542 kills at the battle of Stalingrad. Even thoe the kills are not accurate due to lack of docuementation his total kills are still unknown.

He was a Captain and Deputy Chief of the 1122nd Rifle Regiment,334th army,a and stock 4th Shock army. Even thoe he was known for kills he also took out a tank and 3 tractors by himself. (Not sure what the tractors mean?)

On http://www.snipercentral.com/snipers.htm it is seen that he is the second sniper with the most kills.

His death is unknown and so is his birth place. So they do not know where he grew up or what battles he was in except in the Battle of Stalingrad.

If you have any information on this soviet sniper please tell me and give me a picture of him because I can not find one of him. Please

542 kills at the battle of Stalingrad

Excessive figure in my opinion. :shock:

Ivan Sidorenko was not the highest scores soviet sniper indeed.
The more detailed list of WW2 snipers is here
Here is the some of photo of soviet snipers incliding some beautiful girls.

But Sidorenco certainly was one of the best sniper.
Here is some info about him


Ivan Mikhaylovich Sidorenco was borne in September 1919 in the village Chantsovo of the Andreev’s village soviet of Yelnya region in the family of peasant- pauper. In the twentieth years together with the family he crosses into Donbass. Here it learns in the elementary school. Since 1932 continues the studies in Lipetsk city, where father arrived to the building of metallurgical plant. After graduating from secondary school, Komsomol member Ivan Sidorenko in 1938 enters Penza artistic school. But from his second course they call into the army and direct into the military school. From November 1941 the Lieutenant of Sidorenko participates in combat with the Hitler aggressors in the environs of Moscow. In the winter counterattack of our troops his mortar company passed by the roads of battles from the capital to Velizha city. In the beginning of 1942 here dispatch fierce fightings. In the minutes of calm Ivan Mikhaylovich walks to the “hunting” for the Hitlerites. The outstanding possession of small arms, calmness, endurance, courage allowed officer to destroy a large quantity of aggressors. The command of division caught the initiative of Ivan Sidorenko and charged to it - to the initiator of sniper motion - to prepare well-aimed snipers .
Of all subdivisions of connection into Ivan Mikhaylovich’s “school” began to arrive future snipers. Theoretical and practical instruction was passed directly to front area. Officer itself of the moving supports of his wards into the ambushes, learned to learn the habits of Fascist , its path and lair. After the end of studies the soldiers passed examinations. To them entrusted sniper rifles, binoculars and distributed throughout entire defense area, which occupied the division in Velizha region. Soon Hitler aggressors began to undergo the sniper craftsmanship of Ivan Sidorenko and his students. In the crackling frost and the blizzard, under the pouring rain and the burning sun rays traced the courageous soldier of enemy. By months he did not leave forward edge. It was three times heavily injured and it were always made operational in order to take vengeance upon Fascist occupiers for the crimes perfected by them.
The command of Kalinin Front introduced the notable sniper of Ivan Sidorenko, on combat calculation of whom counted several hundred destroyed Hitlerites, burnt tank even three truck-tractors, to the highest government reward. By the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 4 June, 1944, to captain Sidorenko to Ivan Mikhaylovich was appropriated the Title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The majorities of its ward- snipers were rewarded with orders and medals. The target run Of i. m. Sidorenko ended in Estonia.
At the end of 1944 the command directed it toward the preparatory courses of military academy. But it was not necessary to learn: old wounds were opened, and for it it was necessary for a long time to take to bed into the hospital.
In 1946 of guards major Sidorenko was demobilized from it was series the Soviet Army. Settled with the family in the city Korkine of the Chelyabinsk province and he worked as mountain master on the mine.

If not war Ivan Sidorenko could be a good artist. And he could not kill the 500 germans.

Thank you for the information. The first website you posted was a site I go to very often for sniper information. Apparently some of my information was wrong and I am sorry for that. Thank you for pointing that out for me.
Still need a picture of him still. So please post one of him. Thank You

There is his photo which i only could found

and some more infor about him

He finished 10 classes of secondary school in Lipetsk city. Then in the Penza artistic school. Since 1939 in the Red Army. In 1941 graduated from Simferopol’ military infantry school. From November 1941 in the acting army. Pomoshnik of the chief of staff 1122 of rifle regiment (334 rifle division, the 4th shock army, the 1st Baltic front) captain I. m. Sidorenko differed as the organizer of sniper motion. In 1941 - 1944 destroyed from the sniper rifle of approximately 500 enemies. More than 250 snipers prepared for the front. On 4 June, 1944, for courage and military valor, appeared in combat with the enemies, to it was appropriated the Title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Since 1946 Major I. m. sidorenko - in the reserve. It worked in different cities of the Soviet Union. Since 1974 lives in the city Kizlyar (Daghestan).
It is rewarded with the Order of Lenins, of patriotic war of the 1st degree, of the Red Star, with medals. * * *

in the beginning of 1942 of the part of the 4th shock army under the command of General a. i. Yeremenko, crowding enemy, burst open from the north to Velizhu city. The unique position was formed: front line still passed through the fields of the Moscow area, and here Soviet troops freed from the occupiers The Smolensk regions.
German command understood: its rears are located under the impact, and therefore it tried to close the breach of the 4th shock army by all forces. In Vitebsk, Rudnya, Smolensk were concentrated the large reserves of the enemies, who without the delay were committed to battle.
In the bitter many day struggles for enemy it was possible to push aside our parts of Demidova and Ponizov’ya to the line Of Velizh - settlement. Here the advance of Germans to the north was stopped, front was stabilized on wholes of one-and-a-half year. Soviet soldiers solidly retained settlement - a center of region and northern part Of Velizha. By active participant hearth Velizhem was combat Lieutenant Ivan Sidorenko. His mortar company supported the advance of rifle subdivisions with fire, covered enemy machine-gun stations, destroyed live enemy target. But ammunition decreased with each day in all parts and subdivisions of the 4th shock army. But the supply lines of mines, projectiles, foodstuffs and forage with the almost complete impassable road it is wooded - there was marshland actually not. And during the cold winter days, and in it is spring - autumnal slush of shelf and division obtained only the small part of the fact that was relied by it.
Yes even these crumbs it was necessary to bring large roundabout way - through Toropets city. Therefore artillerymen and mortarmen economized projectiles and mine, they shot at the enemy only for sure.
But here once Ivan Sidorenko took simple mm rifle and he caught to the fly of enemy soldier. From that day up to the complete release of the native Soviet land from the occupiers it did not let out from the hands of this weapon. Was replaced only the type of the rifle: it appeared with the optical sight. In the crackling frost and the summer heat, under the pouring rain and the burning sun rays traced the courageous soldier of enemies.
By months he did not leave forward edge. The skill to excellently manage small arms, steel endurance and composure they allowed courageous officer to destroy many tens of German soldiers and officers.
Once there, hearth Velizhem, Lieutenant Sidorenko was caused to the staff of division. There he with happiness learned: command highly estimated his military craftsmanship and it charged to prepare the group of well-aimed snipers. - force enemy only to creep before entire section of our division, they admonished it in the staff.
Soon at the disposal of Ivan Sidorenko began to arrive from the subdivisions of division Red Army men and junior commanders. They all passed theoretical and practical instruction directly on the forward edge. Sidorenko of the moving supports of its students into the ambushes, it learned to recognize the habits of enemy, to note, from one view to grip all their means of masking, tropes and lairs. At the end of occupations there were the examinations, and 250 persons survived them excellently. They obtained sniper rifles and binoculars. Command distributed snipers throughout entire defense area of division.
Soon the students of Ivan Sidorenko began to successfully show their military craftsmanship: they forced enemy to be buried into the land, by days not to come out from its burrows - trenches, twenty-four hours to remain without the supply. Snipers conducted their calculation of hatred for the enemy, who ruined the efflorescent Soviet cities and villages, that accomplished the unprecedented violence above the Soviet people.
Their combat calculation grew with each day. Command by Kalinin Front introduced notable sniper Sidorenko, that had on the combat calculation not one hundred destroyed enemies, burnt enemy tank and three tractors - tractor, to the highest state reward. By the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 4 June, 1944, to captain Ivan Mikhaylovich Sidorenko was appropriated the Title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The majority of its wards - snipers was rewarded with orders and medals

He was a Captain and Deputy Chief of the 1122nd Rifle Regiment,334th army,a and stock 4th Shock army. Even thoe he was known for kills he also took out a tank and 3 tractors by himself. (Not sure what the tractors mean?)

Tractors I believe were vehicles that towed stuff,for example tank recovery vehicles,artillery tractors,and this amphibious cargo hauler.


In 1936, Rheinmetall Borsig AG was approached by the German army general staff to build a special amphibious tracked vehicle for landing operations. The tractor would be able to two behind it a floating trailer capable of accommodating vehicles or other cargo weighing up to 18,000kg. On water the tractor would function as a tug for the floating cargo trailer. After landing the tractor would still have to move the trailer to a safe place to unload the cargo.

Rheinmetall tackled the project and the product became known as the Land-Wasser-Schlepper (land-water tractor) or LWS. The LWS was actually and simply a motor tug built with tracks. It was a large and strange machine that nonetheless turned out to be a rugged vehicle (or boat?). There were two long sets of tracks, one on the flat bottom on each side of the LWS. There were four pairs of road wheels suspended from leaf-spring suspensions on each side. The boat part of the LWS had a clean, pronounced bow, and on top there was a compartment for the crew of three and extra room for another 20. The funnel-like structure on top of the cabin was actually the engine’s air intake. Two large propellers were installed at the rear, or stern, for propulsion in water. To make the LWS more boat-like there were portholes on both sides of the crew cabin.

On land the floating trailer looked like a large slab-sided vehicle, and was supported by wheels on one forward axle and two rear ones. On the back side a ramp could be opened for unloading. A typical load was an SdKfz 9 18-tonne halftrack, and the crew would be housed in the LWS for the aqueous leg of the journey.

The LWS and trailer idea was tried and tested quite slowly and leisurely until “Seelöwe” (Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of Great Britain) was to become reality after the fall of France. The LWS and trailer could certainly be used in such an amphibious operation, but they were more suited for calmer waters of inland water bodies, not the tempestuous English Channel. The LWS program was for a while carried out with more urgency, but was never materialized. By 1941 the project was dropped, when the prospect of Seelöwe was overshadowed by the much more serious Operation Barbarossa (invasion of Russia).

One disadvantage of the LWS was the lack of armour, and armour was deemed necessary for any amphibious operations. The floating trailer was also thought to be too cumbersome and clumsy so a new scheme was devised. The overall structure of the LWS was kept, but the new vehicle had the track work and suspension of the ubiquitous PzKpfw IV to support a lightly armoured superstructure.

Two new vehicles, called Panzerfähre or PzF, were built and designed to take a large pontoon between them to transport a tank or other cargo. Thus the PzF would act as a ferry rather than a tractor. However, the program was cancelled in 1942 after the two prototypes were built and tried. A pre-production of seven LWS’s were built and they served on the Eastern front. After the war the LWS was taken by the British to England for technical assessment.


Also there was artillery tractors

Artillery tractor
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Komsomolets tractor
Komsomolets tractor

Artillery tractor is a kind of tractor, also referred to as a gun tractor, a vehicle used to tow artillery pieces of varying weights. The first such devices were designed prior to the outbreak of World War I.

There are two main types of artillery tractors, depending on the type of traction. Wheeled tractors are usually variations of lorries adapted for military service. Tracked tractors run on caterpillar track, and in some cases are built on a modified tank chassis with the superstructure replaced with a compartment for the gun crew or ammunition. The idea of half-track tractors was mostly discontinued after the World War II. In modern warfare, engineer vehicles of a different primary purpose sometimes double as artillery tractors in order to reposition guns. An example of this is the U.S. Marines’ Light Capacity Rough Terrain Forklift (LCRTF), a versatile telehandler forklift which is capable of towing gear from either end.

Armoured recovery vehicle

Conqueror Armoured Recovery Vehicle 2

An armoured recovery vehicle (ARV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle used to repair battle or mine damaged as well as broken-down armoured vehicles during combat, or to tow them out of the danger zone for more extensive repairs.

ARVs are normally built on the chassis of a main battle tank (MBT), but some are also constructed on the basis of other armoured fighting vehicles, mostly armoured personnel carriers (APCs). ARVs are usually built on the basis of a vehicle in the same class as they are supposed to recover—thus, a tank-based ARV is used to recover tanks, while an APC-based one recovers APCs, but does not have the power to tow a much heavier tank.


I personally consider information from http://www.snipercentral.com/snipers.htm more valuable than from http://www.wio.ru/galgrnd/sniper/sniper.htm. 1. I’ts not russian made 2. it doesn’t give false information. I also hope that visiting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_Häyhä will change your mind about world’s number one sniper.

Do not make us laugh …our new “evil” finnish friend.:wink:

I’ts not russian made 2. it doesn’t give false information.

Erving Koning …400
Heinz Thorvalds…300

If this site doesn’t “give the false information” then put it to the …:wink:
Firstly the Koning/Thorvalds is the ONE man.
Sec this man NEVER exists;)

P.S. GermanSoldier ,you better never listen the bad peoples;)

All joike…

“If this site doesn’t “give the false information” then put it to the …
Firstly the Koning/Thorvalds is the ONE man.
Sec this man NEVER exists”

“Since both names appear in Soviet propaganda and war records, Konig in early war records and Thorvald in Zaitsevs memoirs and in later war records, I have included them both on the list until there is concrete proof that one or the other, or both, did not exist.”

u gotta have sniper eyes :wink: