Jakob Grimminger carries the Blutfahne. - German Leadership | Gallery

Jakob Grimminger carries the Blutfahne.

Jakob Grimminger, official bearer of the Nazi Party's ceremonial "Blood Banner", as SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (? late 1930s?). Note the Iron Cross and Bavarian medals on medal bar. He is also wearing what can probably be counted as the three highest Party decorations - on the right breast, the Ribbon and Medal of the Blood Order (of which, as a participant in the "Beer Hall Putsch", he was an "original issue" recipient) and, on the left, the NSDAP Badge in Gold, and the Coburg Badge. The last was an award made to members of the Party old guard who had taken part in the riot provoked by then-virtually unknown Hitler in the (then) Socialist/Communist town of Coburg in 1922, which resulted in a major political publicity coup for the then-tiny Nazi movement. The legend on the badge reads "With Hitler in Coburg, 1922". His Fuhrer obviously liked him ... Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-leadership/31442/jakob-grimminger-carries-the-blutfahne.

Good frontal image. Grimminger at later period.