Japan ID dog tag

Greetings, all! Forgive me for my English. I from Russia from island Sakhalin. At me a question who can нибудь decipher the Japanese counters dug out personally me, on a place of fights.
Thanks for attention! Yours faithfully Arthur.

Who does not know?

My brother speaks and writes Japanese so I will ask him…

Hi my brother writes and reads Japanese to a reasonable level. This is what he had to say:

“There are quite a few numbers on there, and also the
Japanese character for the word ‘number’.
Also the Japanese character for love is there, but it
may just be there as part of a persons name.
There are no sentences as such, so maybe they are
names or military units - which would make sense if
they’re dog tags. There are no Japanese names that I
recognize though.
There is some katakana characters on there which
surprised me as that is the Japanese alphabet (1 of 3
alphabets in Japan) that they use for words of foreign
origin, such our names or overseas cities, or English
or French words that have been adopted into the
Japanese language. So maybe they are the names of
locations where the soldiers were based.
One of the katakana words translates as either ‘pulp’
or ‘valve’ which doesn’t make much sense, so is more
likely to be a place name.”

recently my father passed away and was an american soldier . while cleaning out his things i found a japaneese photo id of what appears to be a soldier in the japanese military. he never spoke of the war or the things he had to do there. so if anyone can help me with the signaficance of this i would appreciate it . thank you

Well, it would be a good idea to post that picture so we can see it and help you:)

Sorry for the loss of your father.

If you need help posting the photo, just let us know and someone will help you, or, you can email it to me at: skunker@gmail.com and i’ll post it for you.