japanese army officer visits german army pics anyone interested in these pics

Anyone intereseted?very interseting showing high ranking Japan officers visiting the German army.

And do u think germany would have won the war if Japan and German fought together in Russia.North Africa.Italy?

Yes I’m interested.

Anyway, I’m not sure if Japan could’ve really helped Germany even if it wasn’t tied up in the Pacific. There just isn’t anyway that Japan could have had the manpower necessary to beat the USSR. North Africa maybe would’ve been an Axis victory if Japan was there too. Then again, if the Japanese army was in North Africa, the US could always reinforce the Allies with more troops. If anything, the US wasn’t in a major manpower shortage. Also, part of the reason the Axis army was defeated in North Africa was because Hitler was ordering members of the Afrika korps to go reinforce the Eastern front. Maybe if Japanese soldiers were sent instead, the whole korps could’cve stayed in Africa and possibly defeat the Allies.

Well if japan wasn’t bogged down in the pacific, then the german army probably wouldnt have needed the help

I’m interested…are you still here?

Yes I am interested in seeing the pics…

But, what makes you think the Japanese would even have been effective in Russia or North Africa, or most of Italy? as the Japanese Army was very weak when facing in any sort of mechanized army in open terrain…

i would be intrested too ive never seen german and japanese troops fight together