Japanese holdouts after war

Stumbled on this looking for something else

Jeez, those fellas just couldn’t handle the fact that japan had lost!!

whats stupid is when they tell them the wars over, the jus sit in their little hideout. jeez. they just cant handle the fact that THEY LOST

Maybe it had more to do with the shame of surrender. Even though it was a national surrender, it was still a surrender by troops in the field.

Surrender was disgraceful not only to the soldier, but to his entire family. There are documented accounts of soldier’s wives driving themselves to disgrace or death because of rumors that their husband dishonorably surrendered. Even after decades after the war was over, Japanese holdouts wept openly when they heard the war was over, refused to surrender to anyone other than their commanding officer, or apologized for not serving his majesty to satisfaction.


you would think they would want to go back to normal life and face the facts

instead of sitting in some bunker 2 years

does anyone know how long the longest japenese hold out was

i also kinda aggree with the rising sun guy.
they were taught to not surrender

i also kinda aggree with the rising sun guy.
they were taught to not surrender

but some times common sense should take over

yes. the us camps were rather luxurius. (compared to german and japenese ones)

The last soldier to surrender did so in the 70’s or early 80’s I believe.

wow, thats a little extreme


But its a cultural thing

yes it is

I heard that there were some as late as the 1970’s!

I heard there were some as late as the 1970’s!

why did u say that twice, MR.allhailceaser

I’m more comfortable with clay tablets thay computers I guess.

he did because when he sent it, he probably pressed it a few times. Which causes the another exact post. He did not do it on purpose if that is what yo thought. I have done this before. No big deal about it.

You hit the nail on the head GermanSoldier!