Japanese Officer in the Atlantic Wall - German Forces | Gallery

Japanese Officer in the Atlantic Wall

Japanese army intelligent officer Makoto Onodera inspecting the Atlantic Wall, Norway december 1942

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/56525/japanese-officer-in-the-atlantic-wall

In the background is one of the triple gun turrets from the laid-up battleship Gneisenau. The 28cm. Schnelllade-Kanone C/34 in Drehschiesslafette C/28 (Quick Loading - Rotary Mount) turrets were transferred to coastal defense in 1943. Turret "B" was called Batterie Fjell and turret "C" was Batterie Oerlandet. The guns fired a 330 kilogram shell at a muzzle velocity of 890 meters/second to a maximum range of over 35 kilometers.