Japanese TV: So Wrong on so many Levels


The above clip features a reality TV show in which young children are told undead zombies are eating people…isn’t that like possibly scarring them?

WTF Japan? Don’t you want your kids to be somewhat normal?


Um…Its a comedy show, I think is a special edition of a regular show XDXDXD I think its meant to parody the CoD Nazi Zombies thing
It is not THAT bad if you know the Japanese…

It IS actually epic hilarious

The Japanese actually have a long history of inflicting pain in so-called game shows, for fun.

I think it says something about an apparently widespread Japanese attitude to inflicting pain for a form of amusement, which is beyond my comprehension, and which perhaps goes some way to explaining Japanese brutality in WWII.

Some random modern examples.




I fail to see the humour value in trying to work out which bloke has had a vibrator shoved up his quoit.