Japanese TYPE 100 SMG

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’m Miro-, a french graphic designer involved in a game project called Rising Storm that will be the Pacific Theater of WW2 add-on to the original game coming out in 2011 : Red Orchestra : Heroes of Stalingrad, sequel of the first game Red Orchestra : Ostfront 1941-45. For those who haven’t heard yet of that game, it is known to be the most realistic FPS of WW2 in gaming history.

Rising Storm website : http://www.risingstormgame.com
Red Orchestra : Heroes of Stalingrad website : http://www.heroesofstalingrad.com

We are searching for nice pics of the rare Japanese Type 100 SMG. If u guyz have any nice media to share, please let us know by posting in this thread :slight_smile:

Ty for ur help and ur passion :wink:

Welcome, I don’t any pics (actually I might, let me check, as we have a thread here or very rare IJA pics that someone laughably claimed copyright infringement on)…

But I hope that not every other Japanese soldier will have a submachine-gun in your game like they did in Call of Duty: World at War–as only around 10,000 were ever made!

Hey Nickdfresh ! and ty for ur welcome :slight_smile:

Our game has nothing to do with the COD franchise. There is absolutely no way u can compare them apart they are both FPS games. That’s all.
Red Orchestra games are created by a small development team, Tripwire Interactive, passionate people that are very accurate in their work. Stalingrad Battle took place in a precise timeframe in History and you will be able to find the weapons that were used in that fierce battle. No fancy stuff will be added just for fun sake or what ever. This game is like playing in a reenactment of a battle. The famous Fallen Fighters square and the Grain elevator will be maps for the game in a 1:1 scale. They went there to depict the feeling of the places and to model them the most accurate way possible. Rising Storm will go the exact same way on the Pacific islands were fighting took place. And so on, the Type-100 smg will stay rare as it was in reality back then.
The game focuses on Infantry Combat as well as Tank battles with for the first time ever : full interior of tanks recreated. When playing as a crew member of a Panzer III/IV or a T34-76, u will see ur crew members acting in the tank, like the gunner reloading the canon, the mger cutting down enemies, etc… as it was IRL !

Hope we will find good stuff together to provide the most precise and accurate material to our future models :wink:
Ty for ur help and interest !

cu around.

Pas problem. Picture and info.


And please do not let the user fire it using the magazine as grip as in COD WAW. In most cases this would have lead to an ejection of the magazine.


The Type 100 is very very rare

Yeah Ty Panzernacker.
Already found this at Google Books.
Guess our only hope is to get in touch with a Type 100 owner and asking him to take pics :smiley:
I’ll keep you guyz updated if i find some interesting info to share o/

Hey, I would like to help! Are you looking for certain details or just the type 100 in general, I’ll find you some pics.

But I do have a question what is going to constitute as copyright infringement? If I was given permission to use a photo, they could still cry copyright couldn’t they. But since I am a artist I could make my own drawings of it based on pictures of course…That is if I have time!:wink:


Nothing worries me more, in the decline in study of history, than people thinking computer games are ‘realistic’.

Its a PC game, admit that to yourself and carry on… It wont be an accurate portrayal of WW2 combat. Not unless the player has to sit in a muddy hole for three days, before playing the game for ten minutes, then being shot.

Sorry… but I have the same issues with wargamers who think playing with toy soldiers is a ‘simulation’ of battlefield command. I wargame with miniatures every week (and play FPS every other night) and its playing with toy soldiers.

It annoys me a little when people try and tell me its ‘like being there’ when clearly it aint.

In a computer game, it doesnt hurt me when I get shot.

I also get to switch it off.

It’s a long way down my list of things that worry me (about several thousand steps below the extremely worrying ****wits running Iran and Israel, and not running Somalia and the remote parts of Pakistan, for a start), but one of the countless things that piss me off out of proportion to their impact on humans managing to sustain life is the degradation of English under pressure of text / SMS language.

One of the myriad things I do that piss my children off is that I insist upon sending them texts in standard English. U no wot I mn, lk no fkn txt sht n stuf. I do this in the expectation that their ability to comprehend my texts is as poor as is mine to comprehend theirs. Alas, it turns out that they can read standard English, but I hv no fkn idea wot der sayn.

Rather like some of Miro’s comments in textspeak n sht n stuf.

Forget about history and you forget why totalitarian states are a threat.

Study of history allows our policy makers to make the correct judgement calls… Or atleast you hope so.

You view the worrying situations of the Middle East as you know the historical precedent of what happens when you have loopers running countries…

Which loopers?

During the early periods which led us to the present situation: Turks; British; French?

During the post-WWII period which led us more directly to the present situation: British; French; American; and Zionist?

Or perhaps colonialist or imperialist states.

Refer my post above.

Well for loopers in charge of countries, I was thinking of Mr A. Hitler. I always thought he was a little unhinged, no?

If ya wanna debate the current situation in the Middle East, we should probably do it somewhere else rather than on a thread about very rare Japanese SMGs (only issued to Japanese Paratroopers and Marines I believe).

Probably no more unhinged than Bush the Younger would have been if he’d been through WWI and post-war Germany instead of avoiding Vietnam and, unaffected by war and completely sober, then coming to power to create a wholly unnecessary international ****-up of spectacular proportions which will infect the next few generations.

You introduced the Middle East into this thread.

Do you wanna go back and check who mentioned the Middle East first? You obviously have strong views on these conflicts, hence your aggresive attitude. Thats fair enough, they are emotive issues, but I wont bother discussing them if you are just gonna act like that. Sorry.

Just to save you the effort, here is my first post… Yours that followed mentioned Iran.


Nothing worries me more, in the decline in study of history, than people thinking computer games are ‘realistic’.

Its a PC game, admit that to yourself and carry on… It wont be an accurate portrayal of WW2 combat. Not unless the player has to sit in a muddy hole for three days, before playing the game for ten minutes, then being shot.

Sorry… but I have the same issues with wargamers who think playing with toy soldiers is a ‘simulation’ of battlefield command. I wargame with miniatures every week (and play FPS every other night) and its playing with toy soldiers.

It annoys me a little when people try and tell me its ‘like being there’ when clearly it aint.

In a computer game, it doesnt hurt me when I get shot.

I also get to switch it off.


(If you think my posts reflect my aggressive attitude, you’d better pin your ears back for what I’m really like when I’m aggressive. So far, I’m not even vaguely interested in being even a little bit upset with you.)

My reference at #11 to Iran was parenthetical and tangential to a rather different point about English usage in text language which responded to your equally tangential and rather discursive post at #10 about everything except the 100 SMG

Your next post, which failed to address my comments at #11, introduced the topic of totalitarian states and loopers in the Middle East, which had **** all to do with my comments bemoaning the collapse of standard English under the assault of text language, if it be a language.

What any of that has to do with what I said about text language swamping standard English is in the eye of the beholder.

Or with me introducing the Middle East directly into the discussion.

Awww… You think Im cute, you must be interested in me! Awww shucks.

I always thought Iran and Israeli were in the Middle East? Obviously not… I was just was merely agreeing to your premise that there are dangerous people in power in certain states.

I shall leave you to rant alone of the vagaries of text speak.

And you can rant on about this, which is what started this exchange and to which I foolishly responded in the mistaken belief that you wanted to engage in discursive discussions. Which, as you will find if you stay here, are one of the delights of this lightly moderated site.


Anyway, given that nothing worries you more than people thinking computer games are realistic, what is your next worst worry?

It must be a really big one, given the cosmic proportions of your worst worry.