Japanese wants Soviet to join the Axis

is that true, i remember reading it from some other book in the libary.

Although Japan and Germany are allies, they didnt really help each other out during the war, germany could have give japan her technolgy on tank and japan could have give some advice to germany on navy building. Think of Germany having the tech of the zero planes and the carrier, and japanese with the panzer tank. And of course later with the japanese having the Me262, and germany having MXY-7 on bombing england

Japan wasnt interested in going to war to with the Russians because the had already been in a short battle with them and were considerbly defeated. Ill try and get some more info on this.

USSR and Japan got some kind of contract. By terms of this contract USSR or Japan cant start a war against each other. (Btw as well Germany and USSR hawe simular document, called “Molotow-Ribbentrop pact”)
Reason to do this contract from USSR side was only one - USSR can’t at these times do war with two sides, with Germany at West and with Japan at East. And Japan due this contract got Guaranty - USSR don’t do nothig with Japan’s activity in Asia.
This contract allow USSR move he’s East Army’s part to West.
If Japan would strike USSR from East border - that can be fatal thing for USSR in WWII.
This contract with Japan make USSR in very strange position in relations with USA during WWII.
According this contract, USSR was must capture all “unfrendly for Japan force” and hold them as some kind of POW. This situation can be illustrated by story with Doolittle Raid.
B-25B Mitchell No. 40-2244, one of 10 Doolitle’s bombers, landed after bombing Tokyo in Siberia, 40 about miles north of Vladivostok. Whole five member of crew this B25B was captured and then interned in Penza, according contract with Japan as “unfrendly forces”.
All interned americans was hold practically till end of war. But americans holded in USSR not like POWs, americans got more better conditions, best foods and lived inside specially builded barracs, looked more likely as hotels then barracs.
Late crew of B25B No. 40-2244 was moved near Alma-Ata, Kazachstan and then escaped from USSR in Iran. By some memuars all escape was organised and maked with help of USSR goverment.
Sad, but mine terrible English don’t allow me tell this story good. Sorry.

There is very interesting docs about Doolittle Raid:

Japan wasnt interested in going to war to with the Russians because the had already been in a short battle with them and were considerbly defeated. Ill try and get some more info on this.

You are speaking about Mongolia- Halhin-Goll (1939)
on 11 may 1939 japan forces (about 200 men) attacked soviet frontier posts east of Halhin-Goll river. On 15 may the first japan planes started to bomb soviet territory. On 28 may general Kamazubara’s forsed intrudered soviet territory. On 29-30 of may G.K.Jukov become the comander of army in Mongolia. The battle continued up to end of August.
On 20 August the russian attack started and up to 24 August the most part of japan forces was surrounded, and then destroied to August, 28.
In the beggining of September Japan tried to cross the river again, but they could not and then Japan asked to cease fire.

Germany helped Japan somewhat during the war, but there wasn’t much
Japan could do for Germany. They did share technology and raw materials on a tiny scale. Large German and Japanese submarines visited each other’s homelands throughout the war. Before the attack on Russia,
German long-range aircraft flew from Germany to Iran, then to southern
( Japanese-held ) China and then to Japan with blueprints for weapons. Japan got the blueprints for the Me-262 and the Tiger tank, but their versions of these weapons never reached production due to U.S. bombing, and shortage of raw materials.
Germany got small shipments of rubber and rare metals. In the last week of the European war, Germany sent a submarine with a quantity of processed uranium to Japan, but the submarine captain obeyed Doenitz’es
signal for all subs to surrender, becoming interned at a U.S. port. Ironically, THAT SAME uranium was used as part of the bombs dropped on Japan. In April of 1942, after Japan’s Kido Butai carrier strike force drove the Royal Navy from the Indian Ocean, Germany wanted Japan’s help in setting up a submarine base on the north coast of Madagascar.
Japan was busy in getting ready for Midway, and put off the Germans.
Meanwhile, the British sent a force to occupy Madagascar, and the chance was lost. German and Japanese subs operating from Madagascar would menace British trade between India, the Suez Canal and South Africa.

what if this happen
japan didnt attack US and concetrate their effort on china, this results US didnt bomb japan industry, thus japan can produce tiger tank on their own. If japan can have tanks, they can have more desicive victory china then they actually did in some battle, plus chinese soliders are not well trained and they would be scared so easily (thus have morale break down easily too) if they are encircled by japanese tank. moreover, japan can attack soviet with tank groups

Certainly it was stupid of Japan’s leaders to attack the U.S. They were already overextended in China, and normal logic would have dictated that they take on no further burdens. However, Japan’s war of conquest was largely a resource war. Both Japan and China are poor in strategic materials like oil, iron ore, coal, rubber in relation to the size of their populations. Even today, Japan has to get most of it’s coal from New Zealand, and China imports 92% of it’s oil.
Modern armies and navies run on oil, and the oil embargo meant that Japan would run completely out of oil by February 1942. You can’t run
Tiger tanks without oil. Japan had only two choices; pull out of China and Indochina in order to end the embargo, or roll the dice by waging all-out war in hopes of quick victory and the U.S. suing for peace.

Yes, the South Africans where on the Alert of submerines and German boats going around SA. They built up a naval defence, and I think they also had radar. They also built two huge guns on Robbin Island, but not a single bullet was fired.

If urss joined to axis,allieds lost the war. :!:

Well if the American could have massed produced the a-bomb it might have been the end of the world. Or a really bad place to live.

America produced a-bomb only with captured germans technologies. But if the Alliance of Axis and USSR conquerored the world, America couldn’t do anything…

Im sorry but you are completly wrong we had almost fully developed the A bomb by the end of the war in Europe. The first actual tests were in the early summer of 45.

Furthermore Werner Heisenberg slowed the German Atomic research as much as he could later in the war. So if we did get any thing from Germany it was stuff we already new or maybe a part we were looking for. Coz there resources for this project in Germany were nearly depleted.

Not fully comleted. And USA finish it only with captured information. Also some of German scientist began to work on the USA. BTW all research in USA was personally controlled by Stalin. He knew every step of them…

I think you thinking about rocket and Jet technology. The Germans had nothing to do with our atomic research. If you really think they did provide some info!!! Support it.

Yea im aware Stalin new what was going on. And im sure the USSR captured some german research on the mattter. But the USSR didnt test their first Nuke untill August of 1949. So looks like it didnt help much.

Furthermore Germany didnt even complete a nuclear reactor. They tried and failed. Which the Americans did in 1942 under Staggs Field in Chicago(Enrico Fermi) so what help could the germans have offered. Maybe some uranium. Thats about it. Plus the first test was on July 16 1945. Before that date we were setting up the test area and trying to make sure we wouldnt blow up the world. They device by this point had been constructed for some time as well. Not trying to get crappy with ya but I think you are just way off on this one.

Also Werner Heisnberg wrote a book on German Atomic research…forget the name. But you can read from that they werent that far along and didnt hit the project to hard.

I’ll told you direct names of traitor in 2 days (I must visit my friend’s library, don’t remember now) But even german havn’t ready reactor, they still provide USA a ot of research information. For jet planes too.

The test of soviet a-bomb really was some years later than American. But they can make it more early. In fact - the a-bomb in that time, was non-perspective direction, and scientist worked on a-bomb even havn’t goverment dotation for research. Most primary direction of SU was biological weapon. War stamms of viruses made in period 1945-1960 is excelent. Even now, in case of using it, they may eradicate a planet in a month or so… The informaton about it didn’t place in press, because USA did this researces too. But a-bomb was prymaty target. Because of Geneva convention both sides was silence about bioweapons, and make a sprint in the nuclear weapons for good show. In reality, if somthing was provoking the ww3 in the time of Cold War, noone warhead left the ground. The war would be only with biological and old, good tanks and infantry. And planes, of course…

You have got to be kidding me if you are telling me that the Stalin wanted to conquer Europe in one post and then here you are telling me that Atomic research was not the much of a priority in the USSR after they knew the Americans had nukes. It is well known that Stalin did not trust the allies. And im sorry you are going to do more damage with a Nuke than and biological weopan. Plus that can spread to your own soliders.

Im sure that the Germans did help out with the Atom project a bit once things were done but not very much coz like i said we had it done in July 45 so thats a couple of months they could have helped. WOW. Im sure they did alot :? .

Now if you want to talk about Germans that fleed the country prior to WW2 that were Germans and helped with the project then you might have a point other wise im sorry but you need to do some research.

That not kidding in both position. Read the declaration about USSR organiztion. In reality - this is war manifest to whole world. The primary target of USSR - is a day when he joined the LAST republic to self. Not matter, Brazilian or Australian. And all preparations in SU was aimed o this target.

For nuclear projected - for now - we know danger and power of a-bombs. But in that times, a-bomb was only one of types bomb for bmber planes. More powerful, but not extraordinary. Stalin want to capture world without total destruction and losses of the factories, and relics of nations. With this point you may understood why Soviet set primary directions to bio-weapons. And don’t forgot about you own country. They made war stamms also, but afaik, never used them on people. In USSR that was more easy… With that, SU achieved more better results. I don’t know conditions bioweapons in USA in present time, but I don’t expect high advantage after ending of Cold War…

The Russians had already lost 20 million or so ppl by the end of the war…with out major weapons of mass destruction there is no way Stalin could have taken over the world or even Europe for that matter. There were many Americans that wanted to go to war with the USSR after the end of WW2 thanksfully this was avoided. Probably would have been a standstill and the Russian would have lost even more people…how many have to die do you think before Stalin would have figured out this would have been a bad idea?

war could be different if urss joined to axis :shock: !,japaneses were inteligents with that idea! 8)