japanese wants to get into become a permenent member of UN

do you think its morally right for japanese to do that even they didnt take some social responsibility and apologize to the victims during world war 2

Yep. Russian had a lot of problems with Japan in WW1 and WW2, but our nations very close in reality and we have many union culture achievments. I don’t think this a good point to remember old times. For real, war have no “right” and “wrong” sides. On both sides fighting normal, ordinary people. “wrong” or “right” maybe only goverment. But goverment of modern Japan is really different from times of ww2. BTW, the German is member of UN and Euro Allliance and what? Maybe German must paid for Hitlers crime forever? I don’t think so.

the difference is german acknowledge their mistake and apologize, the japanese never did that to the victims of world war 2

But who must made this apologizes? Goverment? But modern goverment of Japan have no anything with old goverment. The nation? Show me the nation which really want a war…

no, the thing is they should at least apologize just to the chinese, if they dont, china is going to be a big barrier to stop japan to become permenent member of the UN
some of the chinese are asking for apologize and payment, but i think apologize is good enough, i dont know how to argue with your point, but i think it is just the right thing to do for apologizing

Hm… About payment - the Japan must make more payment for Russia in that case, the small insects(forgot english name) with enceohalit ill even now living in our forests. We can heal it, but can’t destoy the source. Excellent example of biological weapon… But we don’t request any payment or even apolgizes. The appologizes taken from innocent people cmay be a source for new conflict. Like Versal’s convention was hit innocent german nation and was source of new WW. The real method of end the wars is forgot them without any reparations.

i partly agree with you, but dont forget its the japanese who start the unnesssary war, if this war havent happen, none of the chinese cilivian would have got hurt/die/rape by japanese soldiers
and who else vote for yes, they deserve it?
i just want to know who vote for it, no offense:)

Hm… In such case maybe I need to ask a payment from you, because many of my relatives was killed by germans? The violence is a reason for more violence. Oh, I’m not pacifist, and know many examples of good use of violence. But international relationships can’t be based on it. Or even the memory of them…

haha, i am from hong kong actually, i put berlin there just for fun

:smiley: Oh, that’s fun and revealed the personal matters of you position :slight_smile:

OK, let me jump in here and give you the facts. Im living in Japan and I have heard the international news, but I still dont know the complete picture. You guys seem to be fighting. :smiley:

Right so, Japan (as far as I know) hasnt completely apologized for what they did to Korea and China. China is really mad and pissed because they say that the new Japanese school textbooks, somehow dont actually state that they did anything wrong. And they want an apology etc. There is some tension with some rights to sea territory, and China says that Japan is in their terrritory and that they have an oil rig. Som. like that. Id have to say that Japan should apologize, and admit that what they did was wrong, but not letting them in the U.N., well thats the first time I heard of that so I dont know, im not going to vote.

Oh… As I expected… The China not really need apologizings, China want new “Versal pact” for Japan. And only economical reasons have matter in this discussion. The WW2 is only cover for China’s wants.

ya well, whatever you think the deeper meaning might be, I still think that Japan should apologize.

As I told above, WHO PERSONALY must made this apologizes?

I suppose that His Majesty The Emperor Akihito in behalf of Japan.
His father emperor Hirohito was emperor of Japan before, during and after WW2.

Anyway I suppose that apologies will be made in a far far future.
I think that Japanese are still pissed off by nuclear bombardments of the USA and by Kurile Island “ocupation” by the Russia.

Ok, so they might not opologize, maybe they can change thier textbooks, so that it doesnt seem that what the Japanese did was right.

Hmm… As far as I know, some western history textbooks when it comes to ww2, told a lot about West Alliance, but told about East Front in two strings… And I don’t like chinesse geographic maps where the Siberia marked “temporary occupied” chinesse territory. History always served to them who wrote it… This is an inner questions of any country. Outer politic don’t must have ability to change it.

Sorry they lost the war so they dont get to be a permenent seat on the council. :stuck_out_tongue:

That dosn’t matter. Russia WON the war… You know it. But, many western people thought that war was won only by USA and Britain. For example, some student from USA came to Russia on the culture change. And they really and very seriosly told us a story, that SU was allied with Hitler in WW2. And the USA beat us… In that times, I really want to kill’em… :frowning:

Ya there are alot of misconseptions(?), In some History schoolbooks from America, they make it seem that America won the war, and they dont mention much about the rest of the countries.