Jews during the Nazi era, legal issues Part 1

In this thread, I would like to discuss the legality? and illegality? of the killing of Jews by the Nazis, in the period between the accession of Adolf Hitler to the position of Chancellor on 30/31 January 1933 to the surrender of the Third Reich on 6/7 May 1945. I wish to confine discussion to the killing of Jews who were citizens of the Wiemar Republic or as “citizens” of the Third Reich, if it can be established that the Third Reich was proper legal entity, in the sense of being a legally valid successor to Wiemar Republic though due legal process, ( if it can not be so established, they remain citizens of Wiemar ),.

Let me be seen to state clearly, that I regard the killing of such Jews as illegal for such reasons as for example, it is contrary to natural Justice but I am only seeking to work here within the narrow confines of legality as referenced to the laws and statutes of the Wiemar Republic and or the Third Reich, ( if the Third Reich would have a proper legal basis? ) and such international agreements those entities, may have been a party to.

To take an example of who are not be referred to, for example Dutch Jews murdered by the Nazis are excluded from whom I am seeking to focus on, ( if this thread is successful I might start a new separate thread to discuss them and other similar case Jews ),. However Wiemar / Third Reich Jews resident in Holland and killed by by the Nazis should be part of this discussion. As regards the territory of the Wiemar Germany / Third Reich I define that as the same being Wiemar Germany but not including Austria nor any part of Czechoslovakia, for example the Sudetenland.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Oh ,do you?
Why do you think we shall to separate the killing of German jews from others ones?
I have no idea ,what makes, say, the killing of Ukrainian jews to be is more “legal” them German ones?

I can’t determine whether this is trolling or rank stupidity, or both.

Unless someone can convince me very quickly that it is something else and that it is worth discussing at a level of knowledge and rationality not apparent in the first post, this thread is going to be closed.

The only reason I am seeking to exclude non Weimar / non Third Reich Jews from this discussion, is because if the terms of reference are too broad, it will make it difficult in my opinion to get anywhere in properly discussing these matters. Furthermore, if this thread is successful it will provide information which can used in part in establishing the legality? or illegality? of the killing of Ukranian Jews, the Killing of whom, ( that is Ukranian Jews ), I regard as equally contrary to the principles off natural Justice as I do the killing of Weimar / Third Reich Jews.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

With respect in the light of your comments and seeing as you are a moderator rather than an ordinary member, I feel unable to continue this thread and formally ask that your refer these matters to the senior moderator of this forum.

Please close that thread as I can not participate in it further in the light of your comments.

Thank You
Adrian Wainer

I’ve understood nothing , but if you are going to examine the fact of mass killing the jews from point of …German/Third Reich law or so and to establish - was it legal or illegal?

If you have a problem with my moderating, you can refer it for the consideration of all moderators and administrators of the board. You can do this by clicking on the ‘Report post’ icon, which is a red triangle outside a white background with an exclamation mark in the centre, at the right hand top of each post. Doing this will create a thread in the mod room which will display the post you are complaining about and whatever comments you wish to make about it, which will be seen by all mods, inlcuding senior mods, supermods, administrators and the site owner.

Well, if you can’t justify the continuation of your own thread, nobody can.

Thread closed.

Um, it was illegal even under Germany’s own laws as the film “Conspiracy” nicely illustrates. The author of the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws himself decried the murder of Jews as illegal and fraught with complexities and he was threatened in order to shut him up. But of course, fascism equals lawless society…

What’s your wider point with this thread?

Well I’m his “senior” if we look at time in service, and I say your pursuing some sort of stupid flame-war with another member and attempting to bait German nationals. Furthermore, this goes along with your verifiable history of having somewhat of a delusional internet persona that is either a troll, or mental illness, or both…

RS* can do what he wants and certainly has the authority to close this. It will probably be closed anyways as this is obviously a false choice topic with an agenda…