Jihad Around the World

Everyone needs to take a few minutes and watch this!
This is a powerful video – if you haven’t seen it before. It moves
quickly but there are are pause, reverse & play buttons on bottom
MOST interesting is how the map “tells the story” of expansion.


Ya know what … lets just abandon all morals and kill these assholes! We would have never lost in Vietnam if we went to war like the Romans did. Kill em all or make them slaves. Maybe the war would have ended yesterday but we still would have won. Same in Iraq. No problems if they are all dead. I say Fight terror with terror. :confused::confused::confused: Actually this works well.


Seriously this is alot of propaganda!!! Now we do have to fight these ppl but not all Muslims are crying death to the west(/US). A nose up and lack of understanding has got us where we are today. I think we need to reexamine our attitude towards the rest of the world. Mainly the Mid East!

What a bunch of simplistic shiite!

After your post, I watched again. I wanted to see where you came up with this load. Nowhere in that link did it say ALL MUSLIMS are crying death to the west. Gen? Did you watch the same thing I did? I didn’t see anything like that in this post. Surely you can admit there are people in this world that have declared Jihad right? That is what this thread is about, don’t try making it something it isn’t.
Propaganda??? Pull your head out of the sand, those events in the link did happen.

Edited to ask…Now please point out where in the link it talks about ALL MUSLIMS.

I would agree with the simplistic shite post here.

World domination? Seriously this is very ridicolous!

  1. Im very aware that they did happen and also know quite a bit of the history of the region of the world! :wink:

  2. Although not said the implication seems clear to me.

  3. So whats the point here that Jihad is a holy war against mainly the US and we should be shaking in our boots coz they are getting better at it.

  4. If you just change a few words here and there it could easily be changed into a pro-terrorism video. Just replace the dots on the map with US unilateral actions since WW2. Its extremist any way you look at it.

  5. Just like to add that many Iranians ive meet (both that still live in Iran and those that dont) think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an idiot. About on the same level as Bush. Just bring this up coz his pic is shown quite a bit in the vid.

  6. Mike…you are on my list of members that DONT piss me off so dont take this as a personal attack. Turn off the Fox news and go find out things for yourself. Ive been working on it for sometime and still find it confusing. But i can say that video it just a load of crap trying to scare the hell out of ppl. Whats next I guess the Jihad will be declared on Grandpa Skeeter’s outhouse?

  7. We should be concerned with what is happening and the extremist do pose a real threat. But let me ask you something…Why do these ppl want “Death to America” and global domination? What weed is up there ass that gives them the drive to do such things?

BTW here is another classic from the same site http://www.terrorismawareness.org/islamic-mein-kampf/

I love the bit at the end.

HOLY GUANO BATMAN tell grandpa to stop his plans for re-invading Korea we got to go the Mid-east. IRONMAN GO!

There is a view that Islam is currently undergoing an experience similar to the Reformation, driven in part by factors such as wider education for women and exposure to the West and its values and practices through modern communications.

If we view Islam through that lens then we can see the likes of bin Laden and the mullahs in Iran and the Taliban as the old guard furiously defending a world that is slipping away from them. This has happened in other great shifts in ideology at various points in history where reactionary elements can’t handle progress and the loss of power and privilege that comes with it. For all the lofty principles in Islam, and the rampant bullshit in some of the cultures which follow Islam, about how valued and free women are, the fact is that men control everything; men are the ones who are most repressive; men are the ones most visibly keen to preserve the old ways; and, not surprisingly, men are the ones with the most to lose if, God (or Allah, PBHN) forbid, women get anything remotely like the equality and freedom they have in the West . Men are the ones running the whole agenda on everything hostile to the West, violent and non-violent, at every level, regardless of whether or not women support those views.

If a seismic shift is going on in Islam, we’d be better off encouraging and supporting those who want to bring Islam fully into the modern world. Then we would share common values and understandings, which would make things like 9/11 and suicide bombings and so on anathema.

For that to happen, we need to begin to understand Islam and Muslims, in all their religious and cultural diversity and aspirations, and accord them the same tolerance we have for religions and cultures more familiar to us.

If we lump them all into pejorative categories, such as ‘terrorists’ and ‘primitive’ and ‘violent’, no matter how true it may be of large numbers but not necessarily large proportions of them, and view and treat them accordingly, then all we’ll do is confirm their view that the West doesn’t understand them and is hostile to them. Which is guaranteed to drive some who might be the agents of change for a better world into conformity with a defensive and ultimately anti-Western position which ensures that things will get worse rather than better.

Anyone with any understanding of how we got into a war with Japan can see the same process being repeated with Muslims. There is nothing to be gained from driving people into a corner where they feel they have no option but to fight back. The Zionists have done it with spectacular success in Israel and surrounding countries, while much of the West has been supporting and is following that path with the rest of the Islamic world.

If we had any brains, we wouldn’t be putting forward trite hostility as in the OP link. Instead we’d be fully supporting the voices of reason and change in Islam, and doing all we can to ensure that visionary and courageous Islamic women in particular are educated and supported in their ambitions for equality with men.

Most working days I speak with several Muslim men and women, from most of the major Muslim nations. Many of them are in Australia with a view to living here permanently. They are not hostile to the West or to its customs. They like what we have and want to share in it, while practising their religion. But they are concerned by perceived hostility towards them because of the actions of rabid zealots like bin Laden. While it resonates with our gut instincts about Muslims as represented by bin Laden etc, things like the OP link just crank up another form of empty racial prejudice like Nazi anti-semitism…

I’m all in favour of wiping out bin Laden and his ilk, but it’s silly and dangerous to view and respond to the rants and impossible aspirations of such medieval zealots as being representative of the whole of Islam.

Just because somebody posts it on the internet or wherever doesn’t mean that it’s correct, any more than the grand American conspiracies against Hinduism http://www.hvk.org/articles/1205/92.html and even its own citizens http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/american/adl/paranoia-as-patriotism/posse-comitatus.html For the uncensored ravings of certifiable American nutcases who think that the American government is the worst enemy of the American people http://www.apfn.org/old/apfncont.htm . It’s a real tragedy that the unlimited energy machine invented over 40 years ago has been suppressed by the US government and energy utilities, ‘cos it’d be real handy in the age of global warming http://www.apfn.org/apfn/unlimited_energy.htm These morons aren’t any different to Islamic morons and, courtesy of the gun laws in many American states and the apparent absence of gun laws in much of the Middle East, probably about as well armed and just as dangerous to everyone else.

Does anyone think that these American morons really represent the attitudes and beliefs of most Americans?

So why accept the OP link as representative of the attitudes and beliefs of most Muslims? Apart from it happening to fit in with the viewer’s prejudices about Muslims?

What’s my point in this post? I dont know, I thought it was interesting, that is was going on way before Mr. Bush got in office, not much more than that. To clear things up though, Jihad has not been declared on the U.S. it has been declared on ALL Infidel’s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infidel if you dont believe what they do, then its declared on you, if your kids dont believe then them too and so on. Being a Fire Fighter here in the Los Angeles area we are given security briefs that the threats are real and fire Fighters are one of the targets but at the next meeting I will tell them that Splinter said these threats are RIDICOLOUS. :slight_smile:

Fox news is the only news I would trust…you dont watch CNN do you?

Raises hand - I watch FOX and CNN, but mostly FOX lately. A large reason I watch FOX is because of the anchors–they just seem like real people and don’t always make fun of someone if they disagree (etc Paula Zahn–whoa what’s wrong with her lately?). Now, I admit I watch O’Reilly too…I should make that clear:)

Nonetheless, I’m hearing that Reuters is going to be starting a cable news program soon. I wonder if that will shake things up in the industry in a time when all networks are being accused of being biased (and some definitely are).

Well over here I normally watch BBC World. Short and to the point. At home (back in the US that is) I try to avoid watching the news besides the local ones. The best American news comes from the Daily Show. :smiley:

I gave up on Fox after watching a “Breaking News” story about a possible bomb outside the White House. The bomb squad was called in and found a horrific scene. Apparently some kid had left their Winne the Pooh backpack by the fence on a school trip. Call me old fashioned but if you flash “Breaking News” all over the TV screen it should be important.

Oh Gen Sandworm your point wonders me again;)
It seem the life in Europe influence at you positively;)
My respect…
I/am agree with you this video mostly anti-muslim propoganda.
It seems its clear from what side it has come - the pro-Israel.
Indeed the Jihad is very danger thing for all us. As any wide extremism that based on the race/religion/ethnic superiority/hate ideas.
In this way the we have to join together - (we have no other choice) becous the aim of Jihad not only the USA and Israel but also and any other non-islamic state.
For instance in the Russian the Chechens bandits preferes to tell about themself as the holy war jihad soldiers who fight for the islamic ideas - this is certainly bulshit and propoganda - but its amazing … this propoganda are usefull in the west for the political pressure of the Russia.:wink: What’s a nice political playing.
Also another case - the famouse “pacification of insolent Serbs” who fought agains the islamic separatists extremists in its state.
As the particular resault - the increase of Islamic redacal movenment in whole Western Europe - recmember the riots on Paris two years ago.

Well being a F.F. goes hand in hand with being prepared for anything. Just hope what they tell you doesnt come true.

BTW Splinter is from Munich…he would be a more reliable source if he were from Hamburg. Dont know why but seems all the terrorists like to hang out there. :wink:

Luuucy i(t)s jus so RIDICOLOUS! :smiley:

The video failed to mention the bombing in the Israel embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992 perpetrated by iranians wich killed 29 people.

It’s an old political story, a story as old as politics and demagoguery itself. First, convince the people that they are under attack only they’re not under attack by the folks who actually attacked them; second, make them very afraid, so afraid that they will give up their rights and freedoms to a “strong man” who promises to save them; third, make war: attack, mindlessly and blindly in any direction at all, it doesn’t matter, so long as you continue to cow the people. It’s an old story, and, unfortunately for bush, it has all the opacity of cellophane. I’ve seen this movie before and I ain’t going.

“Naturally the common people don’t want war. But after all, it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it’s always a
simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy or a
fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are
being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and
for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every
Commonly attributed to Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trials.

(It’s more punchy, and therefore probably quoted most often in that form, than the original interview it is based on. http://www.snopes.com/quotes/goering.htm )

Where did the iranians in Buenos Aires come from?

It’s a wild guess, but the most likely place is Iran. :smiley:

More seriously, later investigations indicated involvement of Iranian diplomats and their agents in both the 1992 and 1994 bombings.

Thanks Mike. That’s an eye-opener. I have set my TV to not accept Fox News, the pure propaganda arm of this administration. Condoleeza Rice: “I love my boys at Fox.” That tells me all I need to know.

I can override the exclusion and occasionally watch Fox News for the sheer hilarity of it all. It must be a comedy act because very little of what they say is actually true and I swear even the commentators have a hard time keeping a straight face. I mean to lie non-stop 24 hours a day has to take it out on a person.