Ju 87 R-2 Stuka wreck found in the Adriatic

After more than 70 years, you can still find something nice and rare…
In Adriatic sea, near Croatian cost, an Italian Ju-87R-2 Stuka, shot down in April 1941 was found.

Picture is on following link


Ju-87 is on depth of 25m, while engine is on depth of 11m. They are planning to raise her.

Looks to be in decent shape for conditions, I hope they remember that the landing gear has explosive detachment devices built in… (assuming they ever find the landing gear.) :slight_smile:

Yes - amazing condition, after 70-odd years under sea water. Any idea what they propose to do with it ? Perhaps the article says - but I am afraid that I do not speak Croatian/Serbo-Croat. Thanks for posting, JR.

Seems like it is in a decent condition. Like to see that in a museum someday or may back in the air. :slight_smile:

Really interesting. Anyway I don’t believe in a “true” discovery: I mean, divers and fishermen very often knew the wrecks under the sea, and the news are well known by their little enviroments extended to subject fans and local historians… When a newspaper or a media or a museum decide to recover the wreck, or to edit the new (maybe old of 30 or 40 years), only then the “discovery” happens.

I don’t know, but probably nothing… Over 20 years ago a Reggiane 2001 was found in the Sardinian sea, and it was in a much better condition than this Picchiatello. Until now only the landing gear (and not complete) is visible in the Italian Air Force museum. We’ve still to wait for the complete restoration… until when?
The Ro 37 wrecks found about 10 years ago in Afghanistan have at least given one Ro 37 restored and now visible in the museum. But the wrecks were on ground…
A Curtiss P 40 found off the coasts of Anzio and Nettuno was recovered some years ago (with a Sherman DD) and it’s now visible a the Piana delle Orme museum, but it was in better condition than the Re 2001 and this Stuka.