Junker Ju 88 just before impact - German Air Force | Gallery

Junker Ju 88 just before impact

Junkers Ju 88 about to ditch off the coast of Norway after being hit by cannon fire from a De Havilland Mosquito of the No 333 (Norwegian) Squadron RAF. Note that the starboard elevator is collapsed and the starboard engine is on fire. (No mention of surviors or if the crew had time to bail out, but judging by the angle of descent, I would guess the pilot was still alive at the controls attempting to belly land the plane in the sea--Hartyattack)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/39007/junker-ju-88-just-before-impact

I saw this a few weeks ago, but didn’t click on the photo.