Just got my website up and running

Hi all I just got my site up and running its www.usmctags.com

I would just like to say that I dont mind known member promoting their own websites. Its the 1-10 posters that piss me off or those that rack up loads of useless posts in a months time. If youve been around for awhile thats fine…dont see it as spam. Unless you star linking off-the -wall sites. Then youll probably be banned. So if youve been around for awhile please post your site.

If you want links from this site to your youll have to take that up with ww2admin. Thanks

BTW nice work Gutkowski. :wink:

Thats a pretty nice site, I might buy some sometimes.

Thanks all I do have MANY items from my collection that are for sale too on e-bay you can get the link off my www.usmctags.com Items for sale for the link .
I am cleaning out my collection due to my wife lost her job after 15 years of service with the company she worked for .So check it out I have over 70 items for sale right now plus about 200 more to post ,and if you are looking for anything let me know I can tell you If I have it in the collection .Thanks all for the support .
Semper FI

Awesome site,looks like you are pro.

Speaking of dog tags, I just started working with an archeologist/historian on Guadalcanal to trace lost WWII dog tags back to their rightful owners. The folks on the islands find them and then sell them to John. I just found my first family today. The veteran passed away about 10 years ago, but the family is very excited at the prospect of having his dog tag back. We pay for the tags out of our own pockets and just send them to the families, as a way of honoring all veterans of WWII. It’s a small thing, but it feels really good to sort of “drop a little miracle” into their lives.

I got into this because my Great Uncle’s dog tag was found on the island of New Georgia. (how I found out is a long story) There is a WWII Navy veteran who is in the process of trying to get the tag back for me. There were 17 others found by his friends as well, and hopefully we’ll be able to get those all returned to the families. I just hope they haven’t all been sold to tourists by now. I got interested in the idea of doing this on a larger scale so the U.S. Consulate for the Solomon Islands put me in touch with John. The process with John is a lot faster because we can use email. The process with my uncle’s dog tags requires more patience because my WWII veteran friend despises computers and will only use the U.S. mail to communicate with his friends on the Island. Hopefully good things come to those who wait and I’ll be able to get my uncle’s dog tag back, as well. Sorry to be off topic. Just thought you guys might like the story. Anyone interested in my web site address PM me, please. :smiley:

Wow francesca! Sounds exciting. Keep us posted!

I will! It is exciting. I’ll let you know how my first “mission” turns out.